
Monday, February 12, 2018

My Cats are my CoWorkers

Not having kittens and working from home now that we have moved, I found myself creating a new Facebook Page to amuse myself. Cats generally show up and make a spectacle of themselves and lend themselves to amusing photos and captions.. Like this one.

Skippy has taken on the role of Boss Cat and he quite often takes me to task, like here when he chided me for being late for work.

Fleurp tends to sit there bright eyed like she has something to tell me, so I have labeled her the Office Gossip. She also likes to do a lot of collaboration.

Muffin has been dubbed my tech support because she taught me that the laptop I was given to work on has a touchscreen

and Jack is always inviting me out to eat..

If you would like to check it out, you can click on the link below


  1. I wish I had co-workers like that.

  2. Oh yeah, I’m a constant visitor to your new FB feed! The thought of working with cats around me is a dream if mine!

  3. love the page - mom says if she had co-workers like that she wouldn't get much done

  4. Skippy and that red bow tie, they get to me!

  5. Wonderful photos! I wish I had coworkers like them...but then probably I won't be able to accomplish much work :-)

  6. It looks like you are very well staffed!

  7. This is awesome! We're on the way to check it out now.

  8. guyz....all peepulz could hope ta haz
    az awesum co werkerz as yur self..... total lee
    kewl fotoz !! ☺☺♥♥

  9. MOL! They look like quite the taskmasters!

  10. Time for some team-building skills like chasing treats and bird-watching.

  11. I love this, and what a great idea! I've worked from home for almost 10 years now. Although sometimes I miss the human interaction, I'd much prefer these co-workers. However, Skippy, being so well dressed, would not approve of me!

  12. Best staff ever ! Purrs

  13. Looks like you have a great staff. I wish I could get one of our cats to do tech support!

  14. I want those co-workers!!! I totally missed your new FB page - so thank you for pointing it out!

  15. This is the best kind of co-workers. :)

  16. We enjoy your feed, glad it appears regularly on the mom's page.

    Emma and Buster

  17. I wish my coworkers were cats!

  18. All offices should be required to have cats/supervisors. It makes sense since they are so good at what they do. Tell us, do you have a paper shredder? Maybe a paper hole puncher? We do on both. How about a paper clip snagger?
