
Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Tongue out Tuesday - kitten outtakes

Summer asked how kittens can be boring. Kittens can be boring when they do the same thing over and over and there is no variation.  Now, granted, this involves kitteny-mayhem-goodness, but there isn't a whole heck of a lot to report outside of 'they are cute" and "they purr" and "they are eating".  You will see another photo of a kitten on Raffe and it reminded me a lot of the Star Trek Voyager episode Death Wish where everyone visits the Continuum and the dialog is as such:
QUINN: I traveled the road many times, sat on the porch, played the games, been the dog, everything. I was even the scarecrow for a while.
QUINN: Because I hadn't done it.
Q: Oh, we've all done the scarecrow. Big deal.
It is fun to watch kittens all do the exact same things as the litter before them.. but it doesn't make for a very compelling blog 🐱

As for Indulged Furries's questioning if outtakes are even possible.. check these out.  Keep in mind I was trying to get cute close-up photos of their faces.


  1. That looks like it was a fun photo shoot - at least for the kittens!

  2. Brutus looks like he's wearing T'Challa's outfit in that first picture of him. It's probably just the way his fur is laying on his neck and the play of light - he doesn't really have white stripes going down his neck, does he?

    1. no, no stripes, it is just a play of the light but you are right, it does look like that

  3. "there isn't a whole heck of a lot to report outside of 'they are cute" and "they purr" and "they are eating"." Thank you. I thought it was just me.

    1. If I keep saying kittens are cute I figure I might as well say that water is wet and the sun is bright.

  4. Kitties don't have time to do portraits! They have things to do!

  5. some of those "outtakes" are pretty good

  6. They sure are an expressive bunch.

  7. They have such lovely fur colors! Cuties!

  8. All these cute photos made me smile
