
Monday, October 22, 2018

Checking in with the kittens

Things are progressing well at Casa de Gato. Darcy's kittens are growing fat and happy. Eyes are open, walking practice has started, bellies are round and all is well. Darcy is still quite socially awkward, preferring to make herself small and invisible when anything new happens.

I brought the Catman in to help me get photos of the kittens last night and she attempted to make herself even smaller and then wouldn't eat after he left the room. It took quite a bit of persuasion on my part to get her to try the food, but eventually, she started eating, so I take that as a good sign. I am hoping that the more I push past her "challenge line" the more willing she will be to step beyond it.

Onyx is doing well. She still won't eat anything other than dry food which is depressing for me. She's also had some stool issues, but she is holding her weight and her kittens are also fat and happy, so I'm not too worried about either issue.

She only looks grumpy because of the flash, she was purring and making biscuits. Her babies are doing well. They have a few eyes open at this point and I'm sure it won't be long until they are all open. Onyx has started to show more signs of being bored. We are trying to entertain her with toys which she doesn't quite get the hang of. She figured out the trackball the other night while I was with Darcy and the noise upset her.

I'm still interested in introducing them. I am not a fan of mixing litters because of my history and having had things go horribly wrong, but I think the benefit to both Darcy and Onyx will be worth the risk. It will still be a while off if it happens.

The Michaela and her Minions Calendar is on sale at for $14.99 and shipping is $3.99.


  1. Sounds like things are going well for both moms and kittens.

  2. I know things will just get better and better for both mommas. I hope they become friends when you are ready to introduce them. It's great to see the little kittens thriving.

  3. Happy healthy kittens and (mostly) happy moms = Hooray!

  4. sounds like things are moving right along...

  5. Happy moms and healthy kittens, yay ! Purrs

  6. Glad to hear both groups are doing well.

  7. Am sure you'll make the right decisions about these two skittery moms and their broods!
