
Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Tails from the Foster Kittens 2019 Christmas Card

Kreb from 2018

I'm a little shocked that I have already gotten my 2019 Christmas Card to the printers, but I did.. (gives self a gold star)

So I thought I would let you guys know if you want a no-obligation Christmas Card from us you can enter your address at Postable.  I won't be getting the cards for a week or so and I am guessing I'll be mailing out the first batch by December 1st (if you are an international follower you'll want to give me your address sooner rather than later).  If you don't trust Postable, just reach out to me directly.

I'll probably be mailing out cards until the new year - because I know how people let these things get away from themselves, but I'd rather you get them sooner because who doesn't want to enjoy cute kittens for the holidays.

If you would like to send me a card (not that you have to; your comments on the blog are more than enough) you can at:

Tails from the Foster Kittens
PO Box 554
Grantham, NH 03753


  1. Oh, my goodness. I revise any comment on cuteness I made before. SQUEEEEEE!!!!!

  2. You did such an amazing job with them. I remember how they were when they first arrived. And I saw one of the early FB posts from the adopter showing them out an about so soon. I was shocked -- in a very good way. Just amazing. Pat yourself on the back and have a treat. ;-)

  3. We can't stand the cuteness!

  4. Kittens in sweaters...adorable!

  5. Wow, we're already impressed that you're done with your cards! And kittens in sweaters? Squeee!

  6. I would love a card, just saying

  7. There's nothing cuter than kittens in sweaters.
