
Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Precious Metal Prints Nose Print Necklace of Muffin's Nose

A silver pendant with a nose print  in a box

Way too long ago I purchased a kit to make a nose print necklace from a promotion Precious Metal Prints did. I bought it with the intention of making a noseprint of Jack, but when the kit arrived we were attempting to sell a home and it sat in a pile of "these aren't bills" mail that got stuck in a box and I didn't uncover it until long after we moved and Jack was gone.

I was heartbroken and I wasn't sure what to do with it and then one day Muffin came up and stuck her nose in my ear for the millionth time and it seemed most appropriate to use her nose instead.

The kit came with what looked a bit like a contact lens case with a two-part white and blue silicone epoxy. You mix it together with your fingers until it is a uniform color and then "smoosh" your cat's nose in it (or dog, or whatever you would like)

I was least comfortable with that part, as Muffin wasn't feeling well at the time and the last thing I wanted to do was make her more so. The first time I tried I got a decent impression but she moved unexpectedly and I ruined the impression.

They warn you that the silicone sets up quickly, and I was able to try a second time which came out poorly so I tried a third. By that third time, it was becoming less pliable and so I decided to go with it, which is why the print isn't quite as defined as I would have liked.

I packed it back up in the packaging they sent along with it and sent it off. They returned it pretty promptly and I was thrilled with it.

the backside of a silver nose print pendant  from Precious Metals Prints
The back of the pendant
a close up of my cat's nose print necklace
a close up of the nose print pendant

I wore it for a few days after Muffin passed, but I remembered what happened to Susan Willett at a conference we went to a few years ago when a pendant she had for her blog Life with Dogs and Cats fell off and she lost it. I could not bear the idea of losing this and she was gone and I could not get another, so I have stored it away with her other keepsakes.

I am posting now because they have a 25% off sale currently going on if you use the discount code PETS that I found on their Facebook page. As of today, the price for a silver pendant is $79.99 with the code bringing it down to $60. They also have a gold option which is $109.99.

This is not a sponsored post. I bought the necklace and I thought it was something you would enjoy learning about and possibly buying for your own nose print. They also do fingerprints if you have a loved one you would like a keepsake of.


  1. That is a sweet necklace.

  2. What a lovely way to remember Muffin. <3

  3. How beautiful. A perfect memory of a gorgeous girl. I wish I could have got this for Maia before she passed but hindsight is a wonderful thing. Something to smile at.

  4. Our vet offers paw prints in acrylic clay when doing euthanasia. We even got one done of the brothers when the first one passed (so we could marvel at the size disparity).

  5. I never would've thought to look for something like this! Bear's most enduring habit is waking me up by sticking his wet nose in my ear! Seems somewhat appropriate to get this while I can.

  6. What a beautiful keepsake!

  7. I would get one of these for The PO'M, since he's always sticking his wet nose into my armpit...

  8. They look really special and Dad may get one of me. Not Rumpy though... right Dad

  9. What a lovely way to remember your sweet Muffin ! Purrs

  10. That is beautiful. I have some jewelry made with ashes and I am afraid to lose it too.

  11. A very sweet remembrance of your Muffin.

  12. That is such a beautiful idea! I can't blame you for not wearing it. I would probably do the same thing. Some momentos are just too precious to take a chance with.
