
Sunday, October 18, 2020

Meet Tux


Meet Tux, aka Tuxedo.  He is an eight-year-old owner surrender because he wasn't fitting in at his home anymore.  I have said it before and I will say it every single time, kudos to the owner for realizing that the situation was not working well for the kitty and finding a rescue to take the kitty and find him a home that suits him better.  I know, I KNOW we all want homes to be furrever homes, but just like we all want all relationships to work, sometimes they just don't, and that is okay.  It is what you do once you realize that is what is important. Tux is safe and happy and we will find him a home that is a good match for him.

He is a bit of a stress boy right now.  I have had him for a couple of days at this point and I was waiting for him to be a bit more comfortable before introducing him. He is an absolute love, and kinda needy. He really wants to follow me right out of the foster room, I mean like REALLY wants to. He enjoys polishing my ankles with his body and this headbutts might actually leave a bruise one of these days.  He is almost 16lbs of kitty and his head is HUGE - like barely fits in my hand huge.. 

He is not yet comfortable jumping up on the couch with me or climbing in my lap. He REALLY doesn't want his nails trimmed and I decided not to push it. He REALLY REALLY does not want pills (remember when I said his head was huge?? yeah, well that is a problem with how I pill a cat).  I believe his stress (or maybe food allergies??) is causing him to lick his belly so when he arrived he had a weeping hot spot on his belly and a bit of irritation between two of his toes on one of his back feet (oddly, it is something that happened to my cat Eli a couple of times) 

I am working on gaining his full trust. He really wishes that I would do that without touching his feet or picking him up, but even after a short time both of those things are getting a little easier. His belly looks a bit better too.  I am starting to see that he might have a bit of a goofy side.. 

I would say he is ready to be adopted by an experienced kitty owner who isn't afraid of a little irritated skin, or it might be best to keep him for a little longer if there isn't a cat-savvy person ready to take him home.

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Cabana (of Casey and Cabana): an update, an emergency visit, and a gofundme


Many of you remember Casey and Cabana, two of four feral kittens I fostered about a year ago.  They were adopted by a lovely woman who graciously allowed me to come and visit them after she brought them home.  It was wonderful to meet her and spend time with the kittens.

Following her on Facebook, I get to see them from time to time and I get updates on their lives.  They have been doing rather well, enjoying their home with the goats and horses and dogs and birds. Oh yeah, and their mom and dad 😻

In January, their mom, Lauren, posted that her dog Autumn was attacked by a neighbor dog and I got to watch as the family banded together to nurse her back to health. Then the addition of a new dog and recently she announced her engagement and it totally MMD. 

Then yesterday she posted that Cabana was in the emergency clinic. 

We need prayers for Cabana. He is at the vet with a possible foreign body. They'll be doing an ultrasound later today to determine the course of action. I need my sweet boy back home

Isn't that photo enough to break your heart?? We have all been there, not really sure what is going on and hearing they can't just fix him immediately and having to wait and see. After a rough night for everyone, they were thankfully able to bring him home without having surgery, but that still left them with a $2,000 emergency vet visit. 

Home at last

Lauren and her husband-to-be have had quite a few setbacks this year. Covid and the safety measures taken to prevent the spread have hit both of them. While they were fortunate enough to keep their jobs, both have suffered losses of wages, hours, and income.  They were also hoping to get married quickly, in the next month or so because Lauren's father is in poor health and they want him to be able to be there. And now this.

I KNOW this is a difficult time for all of us, and if you are seeing even the thought of a gofundme and are saying "I just can't" please know I totally respect that and I wish you absolutely the best as we all navigate this very difficult time for all of us. I hate fundraising in general because I know so many are hurting financially for any number of reasons. But if you could spare a dollar or two, or twenty, I know Lauren would be incredibly appreciative.