
Monday, January 11, 2021

That's it! I am totally taking over..


Hello Internets, Fleurp here. 

The mom has sworn us to secrecy, but I just can't keep this in anymore.. SHE IS A MEANIE!!

I'm telling you, she's horrid.. I warned her and WARNED her.. but noooo.. does she listen to me?? 

She didn't listen to Skippy either.. see how thrilled by this he is? Okay fine, this is his normal expression over everything, but take my word for it, he was not amused. 

Twee doesn't care, but that's because SHE is oblivious.. that cat is still a few kibble short of a bowl.. 

But let me tell you if Twee knew what was going on she'd... well she would probably be fine with it, but she shouldn't be! I was rightly hissed off.. 


She lied to you* and she totally let those kitten things invade my home! IT IS HORRIBLE! they totally need to go!!

Okay, fine, I'm not quite so hissed off now as I was, mostly because the mom has been keeping my mouth full of treats and bed food, but I am still not amused, especially when they come and try to take my food from me.. 

Even sleeping they are annoying!  I told them that if they were going to stay that under no circumstances should they tell mom their real names.. (and they are totally buying it, which is frustrating mom to NO END, servesherrightforkeepinthem) 

Now I can hear you squeein from here.. stop that!! this is not a good thing.. Well okay fine, the free-flowing salmon treats are good, but no no no.. just no.. someone come and take these beasts away from here.. 


*I didn't lie, I just wasn't horribly clear about their adoption.. if you check, everything I said was 100% true.  Hopefully, I'll figure out their names here pretty quickly so I can do an adoption story for them and get them on the blog properly. I will not be keeping PB&J, but I am clueless about what to name them.. so feel free to shout out your favorite names for them. Maybe they told one of you what they want to be called. 


  1. Yes,yes,yes!!!!!!!!

  2. AWESOME will be great to see them grow! :D

  3. Hahaha hahaha...wheeze

  4. Ha! Well played. Happy for you all.

  5. Hooray hooray!!!!

  6. Yeah! I am so happy for you!!

  7. Oh, Fleurp. I'm sorry you're dealing with those beasts invading your home, but focus on the extra treats and it will be easier.

  8. Wait, what? I am utterly confused. But so glad to see those kittens again!

  9. I'm confused too, but I'm sure things will be clearer soon.

  10. guyz.....we haz been offline fora few.....we wanna furst say happee healthee 2021 two all; happee gotcha day two ewe wee kittenz... and if ewe bee boyz; how bout gummo and groucho.. coz tuxie for sure haZa mustachez :) ♥♥

  11. Fleurpy, we know you are upset, but when you realize that your human has an so all of the rest of us cat bloggers...that necessitates the continued influx of kitties into the home. Keep begging for the extra treats!
    These babes are too, too...I'm thinking Sherlock and Watson, or Fred and Ginger...famous duos!

  12. Fleurp- you are a great reporter. I hope you take over the blog more often. Sorry I have no name ideas. XO

  13. I am so thrilled and happy for PB and Jelly and you, too, Connie. Mahalo for adopting this precious duo. He was so in love with you. I knew in my heart they were meant for you.

  14. Oh my, this is wonderful news. I don't think I've heard the story of their adoption either but no matter I'm thrilled to hear they're sticking around. :)

  15. Now lets see, hmmm, Buddy, Bridget and Norma/Norman. How about those names

  16. I'm confused - is this PB & J and they will be renamed ? Or are these two new kittens. The gray one doesn't look floofy enough to be PB.

  17. One cute photo after another

  18. Fleurp, just keep your eyes on the prize (the treats)!
