
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

it is those moments..

last night I sat in the kitten room and was playing with the track ball.  Fedele came right over and went nuts for it.  He would stop every once in a while and lay on the track.  I would say no parking on the track and roll him off and spin the ball again and he'd be on it having a blast.

Well Arina decided she wanted to get that ball OUT of the track and came over and when ever she got her paws on it she would try to grab and pull.  It was so cute.  She would occasionally 'park on the track' too and I'd have to roll her off as well.  She let me (and didn't run away) and we went back to playing.  When I wore them both out she let me pat her for a bit then realizing I was doing it she scooted under the couch.  I'm not quite sure why as she was clearly enjoying it - even purring.  I can't help but wonder if she isn't easily over stimulated in a 'stimulation aggression' sort of way - but with out the aggression.  I know she doesn't much like her head and whiskers touched (except during kitty massage when she is putty in my hands)

anyway, after running under the couch that I was sitting in front of, she then decided to attack my tushie.  It was the funniest idea I'd even considered since 10 minutes earlier with Nario decided hew as going to wrestle with my head.

but to have her voluntarily touch me.. that was huge.

After I gave her a great big dose of kitty massage last night, I swear every last little bit of stress left that kitten for a few minutes.  I could have molded her like putty.  She purred, she closed her eyes, she laid in my hands.. I kissed her head and her belly.. she purred more..   I also realized (and I can't believe it took me so long) that she is so totally a "bush dweller" and really likes having the tube across the room to cross it.  Will have to make note of that for her adoption info.

Then this morning while I was sitting next to the food bowls after dishing out food she and Fedele hadn't shown up to eat.  I looked around for them, he was up in the laundry basket sleeping.  She was playing coy under the couch.  I called her to eat then 'ignored' her, he worked her way from the couch to the open carrier next to the couch, then she worked her way to my leg and made motions like she was going to climb up into my lap but her mom showed up first and was being a pest (that girl LOVES her head rubs).  But again, she voluntarily touched me..   it made me smile.

I quickly picked her up and cooed over her and gave her a spritz of "safe spaces" and then picked up Fedele and brought them both to the food dishes..

then I quickly made my escape because if I sat and contemplated giving her another good dose of kitty massage I might not have made it into work..


  1. awwww - it is such a big step when THEY decide they like us. :)

  2. What you do for your little charges is beautiful. It fills my heart with joy to read about kittens blossoming to their full potential.

  3. Such a huge step! The feeling of a kitten / cat making that first "trust" step is indescribable and oh, so rewarding!

  4. They have all come such a long way and it's because of you! Moments like that keep you going.

  5. kitties playing around,love it

  6. I'm pretty sure if you google "playing hooky" you'll see a picture of a cute kitten just waiting to distract you and keep you away from your work. ; )

  7. Awwww That is so wonderful! sounds like she's making strides!

  8. I love your updates on the babies you foster. I was in luck yesterday when volunteering at the shelter! We had just got in a mom with 4 1 week old babies and I got a chance to spend time with the family before they went into foster. What a beautiful little group of roly poly kittens! :)

    Also, would you be able to spread the word on this petition to help save some SACO community kitties! Some people are trying to oust them! Thanks for your help!

  9. Kitties are such a distraction!!! :D

  10. Dad loves that 'sudden realization' moment, when the stray kittie suddenly realizes he's playing with Dad, and enjoying it.
