
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Kitten Massage

I've mentioned a few times that I like to give Kitten Massage to stressed out kittens.  I tried to make videos of it, and Eliza and Ezra were willing to oblige me for a few minutes, but I couldn't give them the entire 'treatment' since they weren't all that willing.  The main focus of "kitten massage" is to hit all of the points on a kitten that have built in reflexes for them naturally.  A kitten while still nursing has many.  The back of the neck where mom would scruff them to move them.  Their cheeks where mom licks them to clean them distributes scents back and forth and is well received if you can avoid getting their whiskers involved (just beyond the lips and behind the whiskers)  The belly to some extent because mom would lick that to help aid digestion, this is one of the first places kittens stop responding as they grow up.  And finally their tushie.  When a mom grooms a kitten the kitten will throw it's legs up in the air and splay their toes to 'make room' for mom to stimulate them into urinating.  This is usually the second reflex to go.  Sometimes you can get an adult cat to do it when they are relaxed and happy - aka I can do it on Jack quite easily most days.  I tend to 'tickle' him behind his knees and upper thighs.

Unfortunately neither Ezra nor Eliza was in to splaying their toes for me, but you can see how much they love kitten massage.


  1. It sounds delightful and I would love a kitty massage if I were a kitty.Yet Ariel bites me whenever I try.Thank you so much for the link to get rid of the evil word verfication it is now gone from my blog.

  2. Tutu sometimes still splays her legs up when I rub her tummy. I'd better enjoy it while it lasts!

  3. Aww, they certainly are putty in your hands.

  4. So Sweet! Actually Austin quite likes a massage, especially his neck and his tummy!! This is a cat that won’t be picked up!! Go figure!

  5. so cute and lovingly adorable

  6. I'd like to sign up to be a kitten masseuse.

  7. Its funny, in his old age, my Armand has really gotten into belly massage....the whole belly! He even lifts his legs up after rolling on his side, so I don't miss any spots! :)
