
Monday, December 2, 2013

Adoption Story - Issac Arnold and Smedley

I want to start off by thanking everyone who shared Issac Arnold and Smedley in an attempts to help find them a home.  It was a direct result of one of those shares that connected them to Anne.  Anne fell in love and the rest, as the old saying goes, is history.

She needed to make her home ready for two young rambunctious kittens so I got to hold on to them for a wee bit longer and I was OK with that.  What is not to love about two kittens with motor engine purrs who adore sitting on a person... I spent as much time with them as I could to soak up all they had to offer and sadly, as a result, some of my other obligations became a bit neglected, but I do think it was worth it. :)

Anne came up from Connecticut to Maine a nearly 3-hour drive to adopt them.  She asked me if they passed and I would let her adopt, to which I said anyone who is willing to drive three hours to adopt (and pay the adoption fee) kittens was head and shoulders ahead in my book.. not to mention special needs kittens - which these two definitely are with their food restrictions..

It was rather an interesting experience because even when I opened the door, as I invited her and her mother to meet them before going to adopt them, I had this feeling I had met her before. That feeling only grew as we spent time together.  Even her mother gave me the feeling we had known each other for quite some time.

The boys weren't immediately drawn to them, but they very quickly got used to them and in no short order were crawling into Anne's lap and rubbing against Janet's ankles. Decisions were confirmed and we packed up the boys and brought them over to the shelter to make it official.

Yes, I sobbed on the way over there.. and yes I sobbed on the way home, but I KNOW it was the right thing.. It took no time at all for the boys to acclimate to their new homes (see above) and absolutely everybody is smitten with everybody else.

Fortunately, I had a great distraction when I got home.  The fluffkins needed to get out of the bathroom so I took them down to the kitten room and they initially freaked out and then calmed right down.

They were so happy to have room to run and run they did and did not stop.  I was fearful of the two not pictured above would hide under the couch and I'd never see them again so we blocked it off.. someone wasn't happy with that..

I have a will, I will FIND a way.. 
Little Miss Blue-eye has an odd issue going on.  The fur under her chin is matting daily.  I comb it out and smooth it down and the next time I go in it is all matted up again. In getting the mats taken care of her little neck is going bald.. I have a feeling it is from poor nutrition prior to coming here, but I can't know that. She is a little thin and a little boney so it makes sense.  I'm just hoping that once all of her fur starts growing back in she doesn't have this issue.  Fortunately, she doesn't mind being groomed at all.

It looks like two of our little fluffkins have already found themselves a home.  So more adoption stories will be forthcoming in the coming weeks..


  1. I always get so happy to see foster kitties find new homes... but a little sad too because I'll miss them! Not as much as you, but we readers do get attached to them too. I think Issac Arnold and Smedley have landed the most awesome home and I wish them the best!

  2. We're sorry to see Issac Arnold and Smedley go, but they look like they're in a great new home. We hope you'll get updates on them that you will be able to share. They're such wonderful little boys!

  3. We are so happy that Issac Arnold and Smedley have been adopted together! We hope their Moms will set up a FB page for them so we can watch them grow up!

  4. Yeah for IA and Smed! Sweet boys who will stay together in a great new home! (And hopefully get their new moms to send pictures often!). And yeah for fluff balls who have got new homes lined up already!

  5. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Oh, yay, they got to go together!

  6. I am SO thrilled that the boys found a forever home together. And I'm sure the new bunch will love their freedom more and more.

  7. we LOVE a good adoption story. it sounds like a great match. while it is always hard to let them go, being able to be a part of the process makes it a little easier.

  8. Yay thats the best news!xx Rachel

  9. cyber monday's best cyber news ever. thanks for all you do. we love happy endings.

    emma and buster

  10. We're a little sad to see Smedley and Isaac Arnold go too...but it looks like they have a great new mom and they will be very happy in their new home! You can't ask for anything better.

  11. We are THRILLED the dynamic duo found such a great home to go to! We imagine they'll be spoilt to bits. As is only right and proper.

  12. Hooray for Issac Arnold and Smedley! Their new mom looks totally taken with those two little bundles of fur!

    I hope the Fluffkins (cute nickname btw) continue to do well, and find special forever homes too!

  13. Concats Issac Arnold and Smedley! Now that's awesome news.

  14. Oh yay for Smed and Issac Arnold! We are so happy they ended up together in a loving forever home, that is just awesome. It must have been hard for you to say bye as they are such precious boys. We wish them an amazing future! We are happy that 2 of the fluffies have found homes too!

  15. So thrilled for Issac, Arnold & Smedley! Best Xmas present EVER! But I know you'll miss them ...


  16. Thrilled for the two little boys! :-)

  17. MEWYAY and sad tears to Issac Arnold and Smedley! I am so relieved the two baby kits got a home together and with such a great lady. I too hope mew will keep us updated like mew do with Odilia, as these boys are special like she was to so many who follow mewz blog. I love mewz blog especially for getting to follow these baby kits, for although I am a senior ladycat of 13 yrs, I adore babies and was a mama myself at age 3. Mew do such a wonderful job taking care of and socializing them. Odilia, Issac Arnold, Smedley, and so many others who had a rough start or special needs would not be here or have found such pawesome homes if it weren't for mewz devoted, constant care. Thank mew for all mew do. Purrrrrrrrrr!
