
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Humans plan, Kittens laugh

As you may know I like to cage foster scared kittens.  It makes me something good and interesting when I show up, because I bring food and I bring the ability to get out of the cage and play.  These kittens are a little old to be locked four to a cage, so I thought I'd try leaving them out for the night after we had a recent visitor.  But to do that I needed to make sure that I had access to them.  Nothing ruins a whole days worth of work faster than having to chase a kitten to put your hands on it, so we blocked off the ability to get under the couch..

or so we thought.. remember this photo?

So despite it being pushed up against the wall and blocked the best we could, they found a way to get under the couch.. *headpalm*

However, when I went in the room to give them breakfast, each one of them came out on their own, walked up to me and told me off for breakfast being so late.. Which means they aren't going to be locked back in the cage.. thankgoodness..

Two major ways to win a kitten over, food and  play.. today we tackle food with left over thanksgiving turkey.

Our little lion is so food motivated he forgot how big and scary I am, and even licked my fingers.  Crazy pants and blue eye (yes yes I know.. names.. ) aren't food motivated. They ate some turkey because they were hungry, but they were "meh" about it.  The black fluffy kitten still really has no use for me. She was interested in the turkey, but shied away from me when I tried to offer it to her. I was able to pat her a couple of times which was nice.

I'm going to try to get them in to be neutered soon. Another experience and then coming home to where they will feel safe will help them adjust and I would rather do that sooner then wait..


  1. When my human was socializing Boodie - in fact, it was before she took on that job, while she was still in the rescue building - she realized that Boodie was very much play motivated. Boodie was a lot older than your crew - she was found at five months and taken home to be socialized at 9 months - but it was the playtime that made her realize that humans had a use.

  2. We remember when Lola came to live here and didn't like people. She also used to hide under the sofa and the woman would try to block it off. It never really worked.

    The Paw Relations

  3. I love kitties who are food motivated. It is so much easier to gain their trust.

  4. Crazy pants, LOL! Yes, they do need names!

  5. our humans have very little socializing with kittens. buster was already 5 months when he got adopted and i (emma) was 2 years old.

    emma and buster

  6. yep - bribable kittens make life easier :)

  7. When the mom was socializing Zoey (who was about 9-10 mos. when she was caught), she initially had her in a cage, but then let her out (she was in our finished basement) and the mom thought she had "Zoey-proofed" everything so Zoey couldn't hide anywhere. But naturally, Zoey managed to squeeze herself into places that no cat should be able to fit in. :)

  8. I see they are already well on the way to being FINE, independent Cats!

  9. they will be eating out of your hand in no time,xx Rachel

  10. Mowzers, we'd lick turkey fingers too! Wise kitteh, indeed.
