
Friday, January 5, 2018

A great big thank you

You have no idea how flippin excited I was to find this on my doorway yesterday. I was absolutely giddy with delight. I had seen this container posted on Facebook something like two years ago and I have been searching for one (okay, fine, not very aggressively, but actively) ever since. Apparently, Dee knew me well enough that when she saw it at her local store she grabbed one for me and it totally MMD!!  Thank you, Dee!! This freakin rocks (and it looks like Scottish kittens don't wear anything under their kilts either)

Now, for those of you who were wondering, as I totally was, if the cookies inside were kitten shaped..

They are not. I know the Walkers Scotty Dog cookies are dog shaped, but these kitten ones are not. I am surprisingly okay with it though, as I am not sure I could have eaten kitten cookies.

I also want to send a great big thank you to each and every one of you who sent cards to me. We were so light on Christmas decorations this year, because of the move, that it was nice to have something to brighten up the kitchen.

I loved each and every one and they are currently being moved from the kitchen to my secret stash of cards people have sent me.

...but I am giving bonus points to Amy J for sending me a card with a cat's behind prominently displayed. I laughed so hard, and every time I looked at it I smiled. I mean seriously, what is Christmas without a cat butt in your face?

For those of you who didn't request a holiday card from me, here is this year's card:

I had one returned to me for an improper address, and so if anyone who wanted a card didn't get one, you can just let me know by emailing me at connie @ as I still have plenty. Hopefully next year we can get back to kittens on my cards


  1. How cool that you got the Scottish Wild Kittens tin! We still have ours (sans cookies, of course - my human ate all those). My human had to order ours special from the U.K.

  2. That's a cool tin.

  3. What a cute tin! That was a wonderful gift! The kitty butt card sounds cute too!

  4. good to know about the cookie - mom got a similar gift but hasn't opened the tin yet. :) Love all the cards...they do make the best decorations.

  5. That's a cool tin! I had no idea there was such a thing. However, cat shaped cookies would've been an awesome bonus.

  6. What a sweet gift! When I found those at TJ Maxx I was positively giddy (and bought two!) Thank you for telling me the cookies aren't cat-shaped...I haven't opened the tin for that very reason! LOL

  7. Too, too adorable, and what a great friend to have found it for you! We have a Scottish store nearby; wonder if they carry this?

  8. Adorable cookie tin. And aww, *blushes*, I can't believe my card merited comment among such an array of cat Xmas cards.

  9. What a thoughtful gift, and what a lovely tin ! Purrs

  10. That's a great tin! I am jealous! And the biscuits look tasty too!!!

  11. We saw those cookies at Marshall's and got a tin for Peter's mom, who loves the idea of kittens but never had a cat. Next Christmas I'll keep an eye out for some for you.

  12. Awww ... your crew is purr-fect, kittens or not :)

  13. That is such an awesome tin! We saw it recently at Home Goods, if you can believe that!

  14. This warms my heart. My husband and I spent a year in Scotland recently, and it was amazing. I wish I had known you wanted these Scottish kitties -- they sell these tins in all the local shops. I have one with highland cows on it (my favorite part of Scotland!) and store change and stuff in it right now. I have a kilt for our daughter here...wonder if the cat could wear it? ;)

    1. I would so totally make a cat (or a kitten if it were kitten sized) wear a kit :)

  15. Love the tin! And such a great way to display your cards!
