
Monday, January 8, 2018

Dreaming of Spring

It is just too freakin cold here to do much of anything but hibernate.  While the kitties are enjoying that, my to-do list is not. Fortunately, it is supposed to warm up here this week. Fingers crossed it does.


  1. Oh yeah, it is WAY too cold where you are! I hope that storm is the worst of it for the season.

  2. It's supposed to warm up here too...if you call upper 30s warm. But it beats the sub-zero temps we did have.

  3. It is finally above zero here! Hooray! I hope it comes your way soon.

  4. it is about 32 here today....who knew "freezing" could be exciting :) good luck with that too do list

  5. I think we are all thinking about Spring right now.
    Have a wonderful Monday...

    Noodle and crew

  6. Folks around here tell me that they prefer snow when it's cold, but I think they are crazy! No snow, not very cold...that's MY kind of winter!

  7. We here N FL have just experienced our second week of Arctic air this winter. When it's too cold in Florida, it's just TOO COLD.

  8. We hope the temperatures are a little bit milder ! Purrs

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