Thursday, March 2, 2017

The post where Jack brings me a mouse

I've been using a magnetically locked cat door so Jack and Muffin have access to a litter box upstairs. If I let everyone use it they would and it would be a huge pain and always needing to be cleaned and the bathroom that it is in would stink. The cats have their own room in the basement with wading pools for litter boxes and we prefer they go there.

Having the magnetic key on their collar can make for some interesting predicaments. One time it was a can of cat food, another time it was a fork. This time, it was a mouse... and it took me way longer than it should to figure out why it was sticking to the magnet 😼


  1. That must be a darn strong magnet.

  2. MOL! That is hilarious!

  3. Oh good heavens! He has a magnetic personality!

  4. LOL, it makes for a nice accessory!

  5. Our litterboxes sometimes SEEM like they are wading pool-sized, lol! Around here, Jack or Muffin would pick up nails, screws, pens, mechanical pencils, and a half a million other metallic objects that The Hubby leaves around...

  6. bwahaha....that was he can save it for later. or a good accessory like Skippy's bow ties :)

  7. I thought the mouse was alive, and hanging on!

  8. Oh Jack, very sweet! You can carry around your own toy!

  9. That's one way to carry a mouse. ;)

  10. So why WAS the mouse sticking to the magnet ? (I mean - what about the mouse was metallic enough to stick?)

  11. Never mind - I just went back and saw the bell...Sorry !

    1. that's okay, it took way too long for me to figure it out and I had the mouse in my hand :)

  12. What a good boy, though!

  13. Oh, that's too funny. Good way to carry things around without pockets, though.


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