Thursday, January 28, 2021

Naming day for our newest resident kitties

 Well, I know this is probably going to be anticlimactic for some of you, but we finally have names for these two.

When I thought up the names Peanut Butter and Jelly I knew full well that I would never keep those, but I wasn't worried because I had zero intention of keeping them. Right up to the moment I signed the adoption contract, and even to this day, I wonder if I did the right thing, but they are filling the hole in cat ownership that was created when Jack and Muffin left us, so I do not regret it for one second.. 

Names were difficult. This little boy was quite dramatic. He was annoyed that I wasn't listening to him, he was annoyed that I was throwing such stupid names at him. And he was way too busy to communicate the name he did want fully. 

When I did find something I thought he liked I waited for 24 hours and the next day it was always not right. 

The girl was easier. Either she doesn't care what I call her or I hit on something early on she could live with. As you remember, she was so timid and shy and was still hiding from us most of the time. I set them up in the bedroom with her favorite hiding spot, the cat tree from the kitten room. She spent a lot of time there and I would gently place some CBD laced treats for her in there which she gobbled right up. They worked their magic and she slowly came out more and more often. These days she only runs when one of us comes in after a long absence (like the Catman coming home from work) but she doesn't run far, thankfully.

She has also developed a bit of a crush on Skippy, which is super adorable and he has zero clue as to what to do about it. He looks a bit like a teenage boy who has just been made incredibly uncomfortable when she rubs up against him and flits her tail over his face.

The Catman is quite chuffed with how much she seeks him out for attention. He didn't think she would ever be so loving to him. 

Pretty sure you are yelling at me right about now what on earth have I named them.. Sorry.. I would like to introduce Miss Mouse and Mr. Darcy. 


  1. Yeah, they have names! Welcome!

  2. Well if this was at my synagogue we'd be throwing little candies at you and the Catman as you held them at the bima [podium] so...*throws cat treats* Mazel Tov! Hello Miss Mouse and Mr. Darcy!

  3. Gosh, for a moment there, I thought she was going to be named, "Chuff"!
    Terrific names; you dun good!
    Sweet wee nippers; Skippy has a girlfriend, Skippy has a girlfriend!

    1. Skippy has a little sister who thinks he walks on water

  4. Wonderful! Love those names! Welcome Miss Mouse and Mr. Darcy!

  5. Love it! So happy for all of you.

  6. Hurrah for names! Now we can officially welcome them both to their forever home. :-)

  7. Welcome Miss Mouse and Mr. Darcy. You found the best home in the universe. So happy for them. I knew in my heart, they were always yours.

  8. Hooray for finally finding their names. Miss Mouse is smart, schmoozing up to Bosscat. ;)

  9. These are PERFECT names for these two! My human always has problems naming cats. I'm glad I already came with my name.

  10. I love the names! I'm looking forward to watching them grow up!

  11. Miss Mouse will be ready for cuddles anytime and Mr Darcy will have a list of his daily needs once someone takes his dictation! Great names and welcome home

  12. Oh, they are adorable! I saw Mr. Darcy on FB so realized you'd named them. Miss Mouse is so pretty and it appears she's really come out of her shy stage. Have fun kitties!

  13. Great names for adorable kitties.

  14. Eh, names are just names. The photos of all these kitties are just so adorable!

  15. Aww, we love their official names! They suit them really well!

  16. OH I am totally in LOVE with both of them! So glad I came over to meet you and your new babies.


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