Monday, March 10, 2014

Checking in with Charlotte

It has been a little while since we have checked in with Charlotte. She is doing very well in many areas, but she's also got a couple of issues.  First and foremost she is still sniffling and sneezing.  It is not bad, but it is constant.Yesterday her eyes also had a little discharge. It is so odd, as it very much looks like it is just starting, but it has been like that for weeks.  I am starting her on some lactoferrin and hopefully that will clear it up soon.

I have mentioned before that I thought she had some issues with her hips or leg or something.  She was willing to play and jump after a toy a few weeks ago, but she would then immediately retreat to her 'basket of safety' or under the couch and it would take several minutes to coax her out. Now I think she is feeling better as she recovers very quickly from jumps that make her run, and they happen less and less frequently. She still has problems scurrying around corners, but she doesn't fall over any more.

I also mentioned her fur doesn't seem to be growing back.. we have some progress on that too..

Yes, this is her obnoxiously cute belly

If you remember from the original photos, that splotch of fur that is up by the sweater was always there. Turns out the story behind that was they believed that was healing so they didn't want to harm it any further.  The "stem' under that splotch going down her spine is new and oddly enough seems to be where her stitches were.  I don't understand why it is coming back in bits like this (same going with the belly, that black bit was not there when she came to me). I cannot imagine that the sweater is interfering with growth, and I would think if it was, there would be different growth patters.  We did have very warm weather here on Saturday so I took her sweater off for the day, but it got cold before I could get back into the room and when I did get in there she was very happy to have me put the sweater back on.

I went to the shelter this weekend and ran into a wonderful woman who I've known for years through the shelter.  She asked me if I was still fostering 'that kitten with the thing on the side' and as it turns out she was the one who ended up bringing her into the shelter. Someone she knows found her and took her in to help, but then needed help getting her to the shelter. Apparently she was wounded some time before help was found as there was quite a bit of pus involved.  Poor girl.. she was living behind the grocery store.

Well, her world has turned around dramatically because those people took the time to catch her and ask for help and for that I am glad.

And I am very selfishly keeping her here.. safe, warm and well fed.. and hopefully I'll convince someone here that this little monkey is so totally worth a trip to Maine to adopt her ;)  

Someone please remind me to never foster only kittens!!


  1. I hope you are right about someone wanting to come to Maine for Charlotte!

  2. Charlotte´s tummy is just so SQUEEEEE cute <3


  3. She has the sweetest face! I can't imagine anyone not falling in love with her the second they set eyes on her! That fur growth is so funny!

  4. "Basket of safety," oh I love it. And I love her!!

  5. We can't imagine someone NOT being willing to travel to adopt her. She's absolutely stunning, those eyes....! We're mesmerized by them every time we see her photos!

  6. Anonymous10:55 AM

    She is SO adorable!!!! Splotchy furs and everything. As for her sniffling...could she have allergies? I don't think you'll have any trouble finding her a forever family...I'd travel to Maine to adopt her! Hmmmm, maybe Alice needs a baby sister?

  7. My hope is your hope! Charlotte deserves a loving forever home. It breaks my heart to know the conditions some of the animals survive in. So glad she is there for now with you.

  8. I'm sure there is someone out there waiting for this little bundle of fur. Purrs.

    Emma and Buster

  9. that is an odd growth pattern...oh well, at least it is coming back. And it may be that as she runs around more she is building up muscle and that is helping her stability. hard to say
    (and I feel your pain on single kittens....Saffron needs to find a home asap)

  10. Charlotte is so adorable and that face is just the best!

  11. The only thing cuter than her face is her belly! So glad Charlotte ended up in your care and how awesome that someone you knew helped her to end up with you. So pawsome!

  12. She's really adorable. It looks like she's coming out of her shell under your care.

  13. Fingers crossed that more fur grows soon...I doubt a bald spot would deter somebody from adopting SUCH a sweetie, though.

  14. She is darling - purrs she continues to improve!

  15. What a sweetheart she is...purrs for all to heal up completely and for her fur to grow back.

  16. What a little sweetie - sending good thoughts!
    xo Catherine

  17. She is so adorable. Glad to hear she is making progress!

  18. She's so sweet. We love seeing her little face and her little sweater. Give her an extra cuddle for us!

  19. We are so very very glad she's now in your good care and the grocery store and all the bad things are in her PAST!


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