My friend Rene (from It's All About the Cats!) recently had one of her kitties escape the house and she had to learn a lot about finding a lost kitty very quickly. She very generously wanted to do a guest post so all of this information is in one place for anyone else who might find them self in the same situation.
What I know about finding a lost cat
On a November evening, our cat Tucker slipped out of
the house. As an older cat, he sleeps often, so I'd assumed he was napping
somewhere, but later in the evening I realized he was not in the house! After
11 days of searching, we had a happy ending and I found him. I learned a lot
about missing cats in that time and want to share it in case you have this
happen to you.
1. Be prepared
beforehand. Microchip (or at the very least, have a collar and ID tags)
your pet. Upon researching missing pets, I learned part of the population is
anti-microchip, but it could be an important tool in reuniting you with your
2. Start
searching immediately. We had the unfortunate advantage of letting 90
minutes or more pass before we even knew he was missing.
3. Talk to your
neighbors! We knocked on every house on the street, introducing ourselves
and handing out our posters. I believe this face-to-face contact saved our
Tucker, since a neighbor two houses away was the one who called us upon a cat
sighting (which turned out was our Tucker!). We found nearly all of the
neighbors to be helpful. In fact, some searched with us and offered to talk to
others and pass out flyers. Also ask neighbors if you can check their garages
or sheds in case your cat slipped inside.
4. Put up
posters. We asked nearby businesses, restaurants, and other places with
community boards to hang our posters. The more people who see the flyer, the
5. Put a
classified in your newspaper. We were able to list both a print and online
ad for little money. There are still people who read the classifieds and don't
go online.
6. Contact your
local shelter(s) and vets' offices. I visited our local shelter daily, and
had a friend visit another shelter daily. Don't assume they will call you if
your pet is brought in. I wanted to see the stray cats for myself.
7. Search at
dawn, dusk, and during the night. Cats in hiding will only come out if it
is quiet. I found Tucker just after dusk. Call his/ her name and listen for any
8. Use a powerful flashlight to scan the area.
Look for reflections of eyes. Watch for movement in and under porches, shrubs,
decks, open garages, etc. We told our neighbors that we would be out searching
with flashlights. Many of them allowed us to go into their backyards and
9. Keep
searching (on foot)! Jim and I searched every single day for 11 days!
Gently call your pet's name and/or use familiar phrases while walking. For
instance, I have a silly song I made up for Tucker and would sing that, along
with other things I'd tell him (are you a good boy?) Also, when searching carry
extra flyers and treats with you. I shook a treat bag as I walked.
10. While we have read and heard many stories about
cats staying very close to home (within a few houses), this was not the case
for Tucker. He was found a number of blocks away, having crossed a busy
street. Take any call or sighting seriously and keep searching. We searched
two neighborhoods for a week.
This map shows how far Tucker was found from home.
Most cats stay very close to home and hide. |
11. There is a "threshold
period" of 10-14 days, where may cats are driven to come out of hiding
from hunger or thirst. This was true for
our Tucker. We had checked the place where he was found daily for a week before
he allowed himself to come out of hiding and be seen.
12. Have a
support network. I cried on many shoulders, and it helped keep me going.
Don't be afraid to reach out if you need support, help, or just want to cry.
13. Don't
listen to negative comments! We heard just about everything when Tucker was
missing. Many people don't know what to say in negative situations, especially
if they don't have a pet. You know that your pet is important, so ignore anyone
who doesn't understand.
14. Post some
"lost" listings online, but be wary. Some websites just want to
sell you "services" or send you spam instead of finding your pet.
Read the fine print carefully.
15. Rent or
borrow a live trap. Set it with stinky food (sardines, tuna, etc.) near the
point of escape. Be sure to monitor the trap every hour or two. While a live
trap didn't help us, we know of a neighbor who trapped her missing cat that
16. Put out a
sign in your front yard. We had our lost poster both on the front door and
in a stake in the front yard, so there was no question of where to return the
17. Talk to
people on the street--mail people, construction workers, dog walkers, etc.
I passed out many flyers this way. These people are walking around the
neighborhood and could sight your cat.
18. Post
something on craigslist, both in the pets and lost-and-found area. Also
consider Facebook and other social media. Ask friends to share your posts.
Wisconsin has a "lost pets" page on Facebook--check to see if your
state or community has a similar page.
19. Contact the
microchip company and alert them that your pet is missing. This flags your
20. Put out
used laundry (we used pillowcases) or the contents of a vacuum cleaner bag
on your property. Cats' noses are very sensitive and it may help him/her home.
21. It may seem obvious, but if you didn't see your
cat escape, search your home thoroughly.
Jim and I used flashlights to check every closet, cabinet, drawer, etc. inside.
22. Ask friends
or co-workers for help. I asked co-workers who lived in different parts of
the city to pass out flyers at their vets' offices, emergency clinics, etc.
23. We did not use this tip, but someone suggested
using Google voice to create a special
phone number that is easy to remember (like FIND-KITTY) and redirect it to
your phone number.
We want your lost pet to be reunited with you! This is
a photo my husband took right after I got Tucker home
What to do when your cat comes home:
1. Check over
your cat for injuries/lameness/etc. If you see a serious injury, please go
immediately to a vet's office! Tucker, though thin, was whole and uninjured, so
we scheduled an appointment for two days later.
2. If you have
other pets, separate them for a few days. Your cat will smell
"different" to the other cats and you may need to re-introduce them.
Plus, your cat has been traumatized and needs quiet time.
3. Feed your
cat small, frequent meals for the first few days. She/he may not have had
much food and you don't want to upset the digestive system by feeding a large meal.
We also feel it is important to NOT feed dry food. Your cat will need the
moisture of a wet diet.
4. See your vet
within a few days. We had blood work taken and a thorough physical
examination. We also brought in a stool
sample to check for parasites.
5. Keep your
cat quiet for several days. Tucker slept a lot the first few days home. We
made sure he had access to warm places for resting.
6.Your cat's
personality may be different for a while until he/she adjusts to being back
home. Let him/her lead the way and do not force anything on him/her. Tucker was
especially needy and stuck close to our sides, and we let him do so. He needed
the reassurance and frankly, we did too.
7. Don't forget to remove your posters, online postings, call the microchip company,
etc. to let them know your pet has been found.