Thursday, December 17, 2020
2020 Christmas tree
Tuesday, December 1, 2020
Fancy Feast Advent Calendar
I saw that Fancy Feast was doing an advent calendar and I sent my husband to the store to snag one of the few remaining ones (according to the website) on his way home that day. He actually snuck it into the house so it wouldn't ruin Fleurp's surprise
Since today is the first.. we broke into it and there was much rejoicing
24 whole days of canned food.. Fleurp is going to be spoiled that is for certain
Sunday, November 29, 2020
2020 Christmas Card
With Thanksgiving behind us, I can officially start mentioning my Annual Christmas Card.
This is the card I sent out in 2016. I like the current year to be a bit of a surprise, so I won't share it until after Christmas. Yes, once again I created a "Christmas" card, sorry. One of these years I will do another nondenominational end of year card - as I did in 2017 - especially if someone mentions that they would prefer that..
To get the 2020 collectable, highly sought after, limited edition Christmas card you can enter your address at my Postable account (they ask for all kinds of info, all I need is your address). I don't keep these, so please don't assume you'll get one because you are my bestest friend ever and I should so totally know your address (yes I am looking at you), mostly because I am horrible at writing out addresses and if you put it in Postable I can import it into a spreadsheet and then do a mail merge so that the address is actually legible and it will actually get to you! 😻
If you prefer not to give your address to them (they don't keep it, I promise, I delete it out after I send you my card) you can email me or reach me through your favorite social media.
If you would like to send me a card (and I would LOVE it if you did, but no obligation) you can send me one: Tails from the Foster Kittens PO Box 554 Grantham, NH 03753
Monday, November 9, 2020
Sunday, November 1, 2020
Meet the #Fluffernuggets
I know I have said this before, but I am not kidding this time.. If you have a weak constitution, you might want to sit down and prepare yourself for these two..
You were warned, right? Proceed at your own risk..
Sunday, October 18, 2020
Meet Tux
Meet Tux, aka Tuxedo. He is an eight-year-old owner surrender because he wasn't fitting in at his home anymore. I have said it before and I will say it every single time, kudos to the owner for realizing that the situation was not working well for the kitty and finding a rescue to take the kitty and find him a home that suits him better. I know, I KNOW we all want homes to be furrever homes, but just like we all want all relationships to work, sometimes they just don't, and that is okay. It is what you do once you realize that is what is important. Tux is safe and happy and we will find him a home that is a good match for him.
He is a bit of a stress boy right now. I have had him for a couple of days at this point and I was waiting for him to be a bit more comfortable before introducing him. He is an absolute love, and kinda needy. He really wants to follow me right out of the foster room, I mean like REALLY wants to. He enjoys polishing my ankles with his body and this headbutts might actually leave a bruise one of these days. He is almost 16lbs of kitty and his head is HUGE - like barely fits in my hand huge..
He is not yet comfortable jumping up on the couch with me or climbing in my lap. He REALLY doesn't want his nails trimmed and I decided not to push it. He REALLY REALLY does not want pills (remember when I said his head was huge?? yeah, well that is a problem with how I pill a cat). I believe his stress (or maybe food allergies??) is causing him to lick his belly so when he arrived he had a weeping hot spot on his belly and a bit of irritation between two of his toes on one of his back feet (oddly, it is something that happened to my cat Eli a couple of times)
I am working on gaining his full trust. He really wishes that I would do that without touching his feet or picking him up, but even after a short time both of those things are getting a little easier. His belly looks a bit better too. I am starting to see that he might have a bit of a goofy side..
I would say he is ready to be adopted by an experienced kitty owner who isn't afraid of a little irritated skin, or it might be best to keep him for a little longer if there isn't a cat-savvy person ready to take him home.
Sunday, October 11, 2020
Cabana (of Casey and Cabana): an update, an emergency visit, and a gofundme
Many of you remember Casey and Cabana, two of four feral kittens I fostered about a year ago. They were adopted by a lovely woman who graciously allowed me to come and visit them after she brought them home. It was wonderful to meet her and spend time with the kittens.
Following her on Facebook, I get to see them from time to time and I get updates on their lives. They have been doing rather well, enjoying their home with the goats and horses and dogs and birds. Oh yeah, and their mom and dad 😻
In January, their mom, Lauren, posted that her dog Autumn was attacked by a neighbor dog and I got to watch as the family banded together to nurse her back to health. Then the addition of a new dog and recently she announced her engagement and it totally MMD.
We need prayers for Cabana. He is at the vet with a possible foreign body. They'll be doing an ultrasound later today to determine the course of action. I need my sweet boy back home
Isn't that photo enough to break your heart?? We have all been there, not really sure what is going on and hearing they can't just fix him immediately and having to wait and see. After a rough night for everyone, they were thankfully able to bring him home without having surgery, but that still left them with a $2,000 emergency vet visit.
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Home at last |
Lauren and her husband-to-be have had quite a few setbacks this year. Covid and the safety measures taken to prevent the spread have hit both of them. While they were fortunate enough to keep their jobs, both have suffered losses of wages, hours, and income. They were also hoping to get married quickly, in the next month or so because Lauren's father is in poor health and they want him to be able to be there. And now this.
I KNOW this is a difficult time for all of us, and if you are seeing even the thought of a gofundme and are saying "I just can't" please know I totally respect that and I wish you absolutely the best as we all navigate this very difficult time for all of us. I hate fundraising in general because I know so many are hurting financially for any number of reasons. But if you could spare a dollar or two, or twenty, I know Lauren would be incredibly appreciative.
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Remember Me Thursday: Fleurp's Story
Remember Me Thursday's contest asks this question: Tell us a story of how your rescue pet changed your life!
While many of my cats, and many of my fosters, changed my life, none so changed my perceptions as much or as often as Fleurp. This is her story
Fleurp's Story:
Fleurp came to me in 2008 as a foster kitten. I had run to the shelter for supplies for the kittens I was already fostering, but something made me look up at a cage that was above my eye level. There she sat, all meatloafed with an eye all swollen, looking for all intents and purposes to be a rather pathetic soul. As I walked up to her cage to make soothing noises at her, she stood up and screamed at me and told me in no uncertain terms I was coming home with her. She was ANYTHING but pathetic. Spitfire was more like it. She took no guff from anyone or anything, which is probably how she ended up in the condition she did.
Years later Fleurp became anemic. She started licking dirt and cement, even going so far as to eat a few chunks of cement the vet found upon x-ray. While I thought I knew what caused it, she stumped not only me but multiple vets that have treated her over the years. See, after that initial bout of anemia, she became anemic the same time year after year. Every time in the late spring just before summer she drops a lot of weight and starts looking for something inappropriate to lick. For years we treated her with antibiotics and steroids, but finally, I took a proactive approach. The only thing different in her life in the spring is that she sheds her winter mane and her very fluffy coat. By shaving her coat once it starts getting warm enough, we have been able to mitigate the worst of her symptoms so she no longer needs steroids to survive.
All this from "just a shelter cat" that very well could have been euthanized at another shelter due to her injury, her small size, the lack of resources, the lack of volunteers to help out. So many other cats and dogs and rabbits and birds and various other pocket pets are waiting for their humans to give love and help them learn and grow. Pets bring such joy to pet owners and lovers..
If you are not in a position to adopt this year, please consider donating to your local shelter. If you don't have a favorite local shelter, consider Colony Cats out of Ohio, which is currently supporting two amazing little kittens I so very much want to run over and adopt (which btw is an excessively long drive from where I am) but I am currently not in a place to adopt more kitties..
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
What I know about Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP)
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Having been in rescue as long as I have, and focusing my rescue work on kitties, I have come across FIP too many times. Now that I am also networking and providing support to other people who foster kitties, this topic comes up a lot, and it is quite disheartening to hear so many things that I know are patently untrue when it comes to FIP. I wanted to take a moment to write down what I have learned from my own experiences, by reading as many articles as I have, and being a part of the FIP community.
I will admit, it had been a while since I had dug deep into the research and experiences of owners and vets so to do this post I started looking for verification from the experts of what I knew to be true a few years ago as well as any new data that has arisen. Some of the information has changed dramatically since the availability of the new "treatment" for FIP, and that in and of itself is unsettling. Too many people are calling this once 100% fatal disease "curable", which I find to be misleading.
What is FIP?
FIP is a mutation of the Feline CoronaVirus (FCoV). It is rare, occurring in shelter kitties at a rate of 0.06% of the population (*) It presents in two ways, wet and dry. Wet fills the abdomen with fluid, dry does not.What is Feline CoronaVirus (FCoV)?
CoronaVirus in cats generally is pretty harmless(*); it might cause a bit of diarrhea which might need some supportive care such as fluids, but on the whole, there is not much to be done for it but wait it out. Think of it a very mild common cold. FYI: one fact I stumbled on while getting the reference material for this post is something I have wondered for years. FCoV is a pretty fragile virus. Quote: FCoV is a relatively fragile virus (inactivated at room temperature within 24 to 48 hours), but in dry conditions (eg, in carpet), it has been shown to survive for up to 7 weeks outside the cat. Indirect fomite transmission is thus possible, and the virus can be transmitted through clothes, toys, and grooming tools. In organ homogenates, it is even resistant to repeated freezing at −70°C for many months. The virus is destroyed by most household disinfectants and detergents, however. (*)
Unfortunately, the rates of incidents of FCoV is actually very high in shelter and rescue kitties (*), which leads to all kinds of confusion. If you ever hear of feline coronavirus and you look it up on the internet, all you basically find is information about FIP. At least that is what happened to me when I first tried to figure it out. FCoV is actually pretty contagious and I have been told that we should just assume that any shelter/rescue kitty has it.
FCoV mutates into Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP)
Occasionally, rarely, FCoV mutates into Feline Infectious Peritonitis. As far as I can tell, we still do not know why(*). There is a really cool video on YouTube that shows what happens after the mutation if you are interested.Once the virus mutates, it is no longer contagious. If you have a kitty with FIP, you do not need to be afraid of it giving it to another kitty. Could the second kitty also mutate the coronavirus and acquire FIP, yes, especially if they have similar genetics and similar stressors in their life, but remember, this is a pretty rare occurrence in the first place.
I have been hearing some people talk about Ocular and Neurologic FIP. I found this quite fascinating as I have only ever heard the experts talk about "wet" and "dry" forms of FIP. Looking for information on this I have found that people are using these terms to discuss the progression of dry FIP. Back in 2002, my cat Kodi (*) had dry FIP (although we never did the necessary tests to ultimately confirm that) and he started bleeding in his eyes at the end. It was what caused me to realize that his time was at an end. I always assumed that it was due to the damage of his internal organs and not FIP in his eye, but in the end, that is unimportant. What matters is figuring out if when someone suggests your kitty has FIP if that is accurate or not.
Why am I writing this post?
The reasons are two-fold. One to discuss what FIP is and the second is the serious limitations we still have regarding this disease. We still have no definitive way to diagnosis it. There is no FIP test despite what vets will tell you. Researchers are getting closer to figuring out how to definitively say a cat has it, but right now that is only via some very expensive testing and even that is only 96% accurate. There are biomarkers that can "rule in" or "rule out" FIP, but that does not mean the cat actually has it as those biomarkers can be raised for any number of other reasons.There are many symptoms to FIP depending on how it presents and sadly all of them are generic and can present because of any number of diseases. Some issues that have been misdiagnosed as FIP have been: toxoplasmosis, brain tumor, required a dental, lymphoma, bacterial pleurisy, thiamine deficiency, cancer, worms, cerebellar hypoplasia among others. Most of these have a pretty safe and easy treatment, so when your health care provider is suggesting your kitty has FIP then you really need to either tell them to forget that diagnosis and look for something else or get yourself to a new vet. The experts in the field have a flowchart to diagnose it. I am going to reiterate how rare it is. Only 18% of the samples for testing that had a diagnosis of FIP actually had FIP. Quote:
"You can only be really confident of an FIP diagnosis if you have a positive FCoV RT-PCR result on the effusion of a wet FIP case, or a MLN FNA or aqueous humour in a non-effusive FIP case." (*)
Are you starting to understand why I get so incredibly frustrated when people bandy about the idea that a kitty is suffering from FIP? Yes, FIP is a real and incredibly serious disease. FIP can and does happen to kitties everywhere, but simply because a kitten is failing to thrive doesn't mean it has FIP.
FIP is also a disease that takes time. Kittens are generally not diagnosable before three months. They are only open to infection to FCoV at 5 to 7 weeks when their maternal antibodies start to wean. It then takes time for the body to interact with the virus enough to mutate and then it takes another couple of weeks for the mutation to do the damage required to start showing symptoms. (*) Most cases of FIP occur in cats between 4 and 18 months (*)
But isn't FIP treatable now?
In conclusion:
Friday, September 18, 2020
Remember Me Thursday: Shining the light on pet adoption
I first heard of Remember Me Thursday back in 2013. It is a campaign by the Helen Woodward Animal Center to shine the light on pet adoption (#seethelight)
I will admit I was a little confused by the campaign in the past, as they use candles as part of their logos; to me, that means you are honoring those that have passed on, not those here waiting for homes, but they really want to bring light to animals waiting for their people.
This year they are having a contest to get people to share their pet's rescue story to show others that rescue pets are wonderful pets. The goal is to get people to go to rescues and shelters and not pet stores or back yard breeders.
On Thursday I will share the story of Fleurp, of the challenges and joys she has brought to our lives, and the lessons she has taught me.
I hope you take a moment this Thursday, September 24th, 2020 to take a moment and share your light about adoption. Talk to a friend about the joy of a rescue pet, Share something on social media about the horrors of pet mills. Share what inspires you about pet adoption. If you are so inspired, enter the contest and tell the world about your rescue story
Friday, September 11, 2020
Meet Virginia
Meet Virginia
She was surrendered to the rescue for not having a great quality of life. Other pets in the house were intimidating her pretty hard and I heard she spent most of her time hiding. The owners did the right thing and reached out to find her another home where she can flourish.
She is a bit lacking in self-confidence. She will run and hide every time I go into the kitten room...
But she very quickly comes out and starts to meep at me if I am not paying her attention. She demands quite a bit of petting and head buts and then will go and lay on the floor and proceed to roll around like a bit of a hussy (yes, she is making biscuits)
She had not been spayed so that was done right before I picked her up. I am unsure what happened to her chin, but I know it happened a few days before her surgery so I am confident that the vets took a good look at it. I was able to get a pretty good look at her skin and it has healed up nicely.
She came to me with the name Sketch, but I thought she needed something a little more pizazz. I was calling her Precious for a few hours, but it didn't really work for me. I woke up the morning after bringing her home and I thought about creating this blog post and immediately the song Meet Virginia popped into my head (and it has not left thankyouverymuch) so, Virginia it is. I am a little surprised I haven't named a kitty Virginia yet. I know I had a Ginny, but she was Ginny, so this totally works.
I originally thought she was going to need a lot of time to decompress and to be won over, but really all that needs to be done is for the hormones to leave her body and a little self-confidence building (which has started and she is willing to participate in) so I am guessing she will not be here for long. She is a VERY good girl..
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Kreb has been adopted
Well, that took a bit longer than I thought it would, but not nearly long enough in some respects. You know how it is, you get a kitty in your arms and they purr and you fall in love.. Neither my husband or I wanted to let him go, but we both knew that this was most likely not the right household for Kreb, so we both agreed, most reluctantly, to go ahead with adopting him out.
The rescue that found a home for Suri found him a home as well. It is always a risk when you take in a cat with unwanted urination behaviors because you never know if someone is willing to give a kitty a second chance. I knew if no one else would, we would find a way to make it work here, but we were blessed to find a lovely young woman who appears to be the absolute perfect fit for him. And considering the initial reports of his sleeping under the covers with her the very first night, I would say Kreb totally approves.
I am so glad I got to know Kreb as an adult. He is such a magnificent kitty, full of spunk and charm and that boy next door qualities that are so hard to resist..
Good luck Kreb, best wishes, and you will always have a place in my heart..
Monday, August 10, 2020
The Nintendo Kittens have gone back to the shelter
Last I checked in with you, Princess Peach was spending her days in "jail". I was having the worst time figuring out why she was simply failing to thrive. She was generally okay, but she wasn't gaining weight. She was dehydrated for a while, had many days of good stool, a few bad days of good stool, some days she ate really well, others not so much. As time went on she became more and more lethargic after eating, and I was getting very concerned. I brought her to the local vet on Friday and we tested her for Felv/Fiv and tested her stool. Both were negative. I was pretty much at the end of what I thought I could do and the shelter recommended that she go back to them for further diagnostics. There was talk about a liver shunt or FIP, and in the end, it really was in her best interest to be closer to the decision-makers so she and her siblings went back today.
Mario is doing extremely well. She has energy to spare. I swear if I could harness kitten energy I could power the world. She loves running at full speed and pouncing on anything that she can. She and Luigi would often run at each other and jump at the same time and crash in the middle of the air. I wish I could have caught it on camera as I probably would have won AFV. She does like attention, but she is quite a busy kitty. She was the first of the group to figure out she could climb the cage Peach was in to investigate things I left up there. She would often join in Princess Peach and Luigi's cuddle time with me and having all three of these kittens up on my chest was pretty awesome.
On Friday, after the vet appointment, I was desperate. I hated seeing Princess Peach scream to eat and then eat and have to sleep for an hour or more after eating. She originally shunned eating raw food, but I decided to push it again, and I force-fed her a serving of it. She wasn't pleased, but she wasn't as exhausted as she had been. After the vet exam, she had a major .. um.. evacuation of her intestines.. and I guessed that it was the food that wasn't agreeing with her. I left her with some raw and some canned food and in the morning she had eaten it all, so I put her exclusively on raw all day Saturday and Sunday. Come Monday morning she had regained the weight she had lost from the explosion and she didn't feel nearly as boney and she had so much energy that I was highly tempted to call off returning them. I asked and the shelter still thought it best to bring her into the fold since I am more than an hour away from them. I was sad about this, but I totally understand. I just hope this wasn't one more false lead on the road to her health. I originally thought her only issue was being nursed on, then I thought it was this and that.. and I didn't even consider it could be a food issue because he stool was generally pretty good. Time will tell. I am hopeful she will get her happy ending, but if it is a liver shunt or some digestive issue I am sure they will do what is in her best interest.
And now a few other adorable photos from the photoshoot this morning. They really are super adorable. I do kinda wish they could be adopted as a trio, but I am sure they will be very happy wherever they land as long as they have toy mice, ping pong balls, and a warm lap to snuggle up into.