Friday, September 5, 2014

Kittens are back from the vet.

So the kittens spent the day at the shelter and was seen by the vet.  I got word that they had coccidia (it was suspected previously and they were treated with marquis paste, but it is a good idea to do it again a week or so later for this very reason) so they were treated again and sent home with some metro liquid in case things don't firm up again. I am guessing that they will because they did last time.

No word on Tucker and his habit of peeing on soft things.. I wrote in again to see if that was looked at or if they forgot - because when they came home I let them have some running around time and came back to find someone had peed on the couch. Thankfully I had a couple of layers of washables on the futon.

They had some more running around time after I ate dinner and sat with them. I got some videos of them I think you'll love them.


  1. brain? I don't know if you have tried cat attract - I have used it with tinies and it seems to help. Hope they are feeling better soon.

    1. it isn't that he doesn't know to use the box, he walked out of the cage (where he has compliance) and onto my blanket (to protect my legs from kitten claws) and pees.. I think he's uncomfortable for some reason.

  2. Wonder if they met Gray while they were at the shelter :-) They are so sweet!

  3. I just love kittens!! love them, love them. I rarely get any I foster the older cats as I have pens in the garden. We did have to older kittens a few months ago but I rarely get anything done as I just want to watch them all day lol

  4. poor Babies hope they feel better soon,xx

  5. They are beyond cute! I wonder what is up with Tucker. Is he just peeing normal, but inappropriately, or is he squatting funny or doing something else strange, posture wise?

  6. My late Brother Ivan would pee on soft things and there was nothing medical that we knew of. He died of a heart attack later on, but we could never determine why he loved soft things. We even replaced the bed spread with a textured one and all was fine. It was a mystery for us until he died at age 4.

  7. Rupert LOVES to pee on fabric! Scott has learned to pick up his clothes...or else.

  8. Are there soft things in the cage, too? If he has compliance in there with them and not outside... odd. But then again, Newton prefers to pee in the sink, but if prevented from getting to the sink, he'll go straight to the box. Preferences can be medical, and they can also be just...preferences.

    1. There is a towel in the cage, and they aren't peeing on that. Tonight Tucker came out of the cage, ate, sat on my lap for a bit then went and peed on the blanket that I had over my legs.. *sigh*

  9. They're growing so quickly and so adorable. I hope the peeing issue is resolved soon. Silly Tucker!

  10. Awww!! So darling... Makes me miss when my gang were kittens!! Hope the peeing issue will be solved soon! Purrs from the Zee and Zoey Gang!


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