Friday, February 20, 2015

National Love Your Pet Day

Happy National Love Your Pet Day.  I know more than one of you is probably thinking - well shouldn't every day love your pet day??  Absolutely it should, but like Mother's Day and Father's Day (yet no kid's day? why is that??) sometimes you really should set aside a day to just revel in the joy that is the special bond you have with your furry friend..

Now if you are a little specialed day out with the Hug Your Cat Day on June 4th and National Cat Day on October 29th and National Cook for your Pet Day on November 1st, and Cat Herding Day on Dec 15th, remember there are people out there who NEED to be reminded that people love their cats.. not just 'oh look I have this cute cat' but 'look at my awesome cat, he likes wand toys and hates pesky sisters, and he REALLY likes these treats but not those' because they see way too much of the 'oh my cat peed on my bed so I am going to lock it in a cage and yell at it until I finally come to my senses and dump it at the shelter.' or 'I don't want this cat so I'll put it in a carrier and send it off to the incinerator'.. or 'oh hey, look a cat, let me shoot it with my BB gun'

so thank you kind reader for loving your cats.. and thank you for sharing that love with me and the rest of the world.. and not being afraid to tell me about your kitties in my comments..


  1. I wish EVERYBODY loved us kittes! I don't really understand those who don't.

  2. I wish everybody loved their pets as much a we all do,xx Rachel

  3. We didn't know today was Love Your Pet Day. But then again, we get love every day.

    1. well now you know.. whatcha gonna do about it?? hun hun hun? I know a couple of kitties who would like a little something something :D

  4. You're right, EVERY day is love your cat day at our house.

  5. I agree, it's great to have a day to revel in the joy of having fur babies in our life!
    Thank you, too, for loving your kitties and taking care of many foster kitties. Happy National Love Your Pet Day!

  6. Cats are great. But so are dogs. :)

  7. And thank you for svaing so many kitties, I admire how you foster them.

  8. I loved on mine by taking a nap with them. I must say it was appreciated by ALL of us! Nothing soothes me like napping with cats! They seem to like it too.

  9. Awww this post was great! We believe also that it is every day!!!!! We all know that our pets are a commitment for a lifetime, not just sometimes! xoxo

  10. You're so right : Love Your Pet Day is every day ! Purrs

  11. We couldn't agree more with the sentiment tht Love Your Pet Day is every day.

    Emma and Buster

  12. We love our kitties EVERY day, but today, EXTRA love and snuggles all around! :)


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