Sunday, November 27, 2016

Kit; Saying Goodbye

Kit from 2011 

Nov 11, 2007 

Daddy's first cuddle 

The day or the day after she was born May 15th 

I knew losing Kit would be hard, but I didn't realize just how hard it would be. Kit was 100% my husband's cat, as I'm sure you are well aware.. 

She would find use for me when I had broccoli or had a blanket over my lap but, on the whole, she far preferred her favorite human, and I can't say I blame her.

I miss her, I do. I adored her because of how happy she made him. What has been hardest on me though is watching him grieve for her. As an empath, I feel it quite keenly and nothing makes me tear up faster than thinking of things that she will no longer be a part of... like crawling up on his chest to watch Charlie Brown Thanksgiving specials.. (which we were able to do one last time)

Kit's last photo.

Nine years was not nearly enough, but sadly it was what we had. In time, we will be able to smile because it happened but right now it still just hurts.

Her last days were hard. When she was diagnosed with lymphoma, I knew it was going to take her quickly because of how fast it popped up. We did not want her to suffer but we were not willing to let go easily. We had multiple discussions about just when to let her go. How do you tell when a cat who has a large lump on her throat is ready to go? At the time of diagnosis, she was still very much "Kit" and I could have gone a few more weeks before I found out it was going on if I hadn't put my hands on her that day. The vet said three to six months which would put her end of life somewhere in the new year - we hoped. But the more I thought about it, the less sure I was. The prednisolone put weight on her and seemed to make the tumor shrink a bit, so I had ideas that we would easily get through Thanksgiving, but we would have to make a decision after that. I spoke to my husband about it quite a bit in those last few days, preparing him that it was coming.

As the days went on, it became clear it was going to be close. She went off her food but happily ate treats. She was maintaining her weight. Yes, treats are not a balanced and appropriate diet, but it would have gotten us through Thanksgiving if the tumor didn't have a mind of its own.

I had taken a few days off to do things around the house but instead it turned into convalescence care for her. It became more and more apparent that her time was measured in hours and not in days. I wanted to make the appointment for Thursday but the vet didn't have an opening. They had a Friday early afternoon which sadly they had to postpone for a few hours.

The sunset on Thursday.

I wanted to make Kit as happy as I could. I dug out her favorite pillow that we had to put away a few years ago because it had a hole that was causing the pellets inside to fall out. I had such grand plans for making her a new one, I did. I have all of the components in my craft room except the stretchy fabric on the bottom. I looked everywhere.. I thought I had time.
She took to it immediately.

Waiting on Friday

Because she travels poorly, I had plans to give her a sedative and some Pepcid to make the journey easier but the tumor had advanced to the point where giving it to her was one of the most difficult things I've ever done.  When the time came, my husband opted to hold her instead of putting her in a carrier. We drove up and while the sedative helped it was still quite hard on all of us.  Her passing was a simple affair that we both were there for. We brought her favorite green blanket and she opted to lay on the floor.
A single star in the middle of the night's sky leads us home.
Nov 11th, 2016

The Crew adjusted very well to her passing. Skippy and Twee have stepped up to occupy the spot on my husband's chest that has been vacant. Fleurp is sleeping on the bed more often now. Everyone lost an ounce or two because they aren't being over fed (since he insisted on giving her a full portion of food despite her eating far less)

One day.. 


  1. Ah, my heart goes out to you.

  2. So hard to say goodbye to those that touch the heart so deeply.
    Love,hugs and purrs for you all.
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ
    and mum Nancy

  3. Such a heart-breaking, bittersweet post. Our thoughts and purrayers are with you both. Peace and Light. ♥

  4. Beautiful tribute. And it's wonderful how the others always know to step up at times like this.

  5. Hugs to you and your husband. Kit was a lucky kitty to wind up with you as her forever family! I am very sorry for your loss.

  6. I know how hard it was and how difficult this was for you to write. It was a beautiful tribute and farewell. My heart aches for you both.

  7. My Micah Moo passed from lymphoma five years ago. I still miss him. He sent Jael Kitty to live with us, I think, because he knew she needed a family and I needed another to love. Now, we have Junia who is one of the best kitties EVER! She could be your Jack's twin sister. I am blessed! BTW, I'm an empath, too. A blessing and a curse. Keep grounded!

  8. All our love and lots of hugs coming your way. It's so darn tough, but the love will fill your hearts forever. Such a beautiful tribute to a truly beautiful girl.

  9. Thinking of you is so hard to let go of these sweet kitties who find their way into our hearts. I hope in time you'll find comfort in the sweet memories you have of Kit.

  10. What a beautiful post. Such love. We too were only blessed with nine years with our Sam. I am so sorry for your loss.

  11. Anonymous4:20 PM

    I'm smiling through tears, knowing how blessed I am to have met Kit, and witnessed the love between Kit and her daddy. Such a beautiful tribute for a very special girl. I know it will be a long while before smiles replace your tears. I hope some day soon smiles will accompany the tears, for it is then we will know that your memories have soothed your soul. Sending hugs to you and your husband, and chin scritches to the Crew 🐾🐾🐾❤️

  12. A beautiful post; thank you for sharing Kit with us.

  13. Such a beautiful tribute to Kit. My thoughts are with you both.

  14. Our hearts break for you.....sometimes there are just no words, so we are sending lots of purrs

  15. It's the last lovng thing we can do for them, and it is so so hard Bless you both for loving her for nine years and for letting her go when it was her time. She is watching over you from the Rainbow Bridge.

  16. The kitten photos were so sweet, I see why Kit was such a spectacularly failed foster! What a wonderful cat, I'm sure she loved being your fur kid. xx

  17. It's not when it happens that it hits the most, but in the days after, when it sinks in. She was such a bright-eyed and beautiful little girl. <3

  18. What a wonderful tribute to Kit. It's never long enough, is it? She was lucky to have you during her time here.

  19. What a beautiful tribute to beautiful Kit. We are all bawling our eyes out. (((hugs)))

  20. Thank you for sharing these pictures and the story with us. We know - how well we know - the pain you are feeling, but she was loved deeply and well cared for. That was a wonderful thing.

  21. I wish I had words to help your hurting heart. I hope in time you will be able to see that you and your husband gave Kit a wonderful life and were with her until the end. I am so very sorry.

  22. It's never easy...especially when it's one as special as Kit. Sending you and your husband lots of hugs and purrs.

  23. Sending warm thoughts to you and your husband.. Kit was such a lucky kitty to have had a wonderful home, loved dearly by her forever family. I love her photo on her favorite pillow you dug up. She looks so happy. (((Hugs)))

  24. What a beautiful tribute to your special and beloved Kit. How lucky she was to have you and your husband, and how lucky you were to have her. Sending much love, and gentle purrs and prayers.

  25. I am so sorry for your loss. May time heal your broken heart.

  26. It is so very hard when they go, especially that one special friend. I think about my Tungsten every day.

    We should indeed be happy that we have our friends at all, but having them for an eternity doesn't make it easier if they have to leave at the end of it. Etrenity isn't long enough.

    I like photograph of your husband and Kit. They look to be wearing the same expression. True friends.

  27. My human and I feel your heartbreak, and we are very sad about Kit. I know that someday there will be more smiles than tears, but losing a special kitty is so hard and I think everyone who reads your blog understands this deeply from experience.

  28. it always hurts when its time to say good bye and let them go,hugs and love to you all,xx Rachel and Speedy

  29. What a beautiful tribute to Kit. Saying goodbye to our furbabies is the hardest part when it comes to owning a pet. RIP sweet Kit. You will never be forgotten. My heart especially goes out to your hubby because Kit was definitely Daddy's girl.

  30. Our hearts are breaking for you. Purrs of comfort and paws of sympathy. Your tribute to Kit was lovely.

  31. Kerry9:47 AM

    A lovely tribute -- she and your husband were blessed to have such a wonderful relationship. Warm wishes to you both, and one day you'll be able to smile when you think and speak of this beautiful soul.

  32. May happy memories of Kit's healthy younger years fill the hole in your hearts. It's clear from this beautiful and sad account that this was a very special beloved friend.
    Sympathy and love,

  33. I know the feeling of "double grieving." I felt that way when we lost Tucker. He was initially my cat, but over time loved Jim nearly as much as me. Seeing him grieve was extra hard. Fly free, Kit. You sure were loved.

  34. Thanks for the update. Such a lovely tribute. You and your husband have been in my thoughts so much, especially when I brush my Frannie who could have been Kit's sister. Glad Skippy and Twee are stepping up for your husband. May time heal the pain and let the good memories remain.

  35. Thanks for allowing us to say good-bye to Kit also. We had come to know her, and will miss her, though nowhere on your level, This is the time of year when I have lost so many of my furkids (including Minka last year on the Solstice, and then Buddy - who was 17- on Epiphany) I can mourn for you and for my own again. Bless you and your husband and crew.

  36. We're so sorry to read of your loss. Our deepest purrs to help ease your sadness.

  37. It's so hard ... I'm so sorry.

  38. Stig'sMom6:19 PM

    Thank you so much for sharing Kit's story. My heart goes out to you and your husband; I lost my beloved Stig on Oct. 28th. He too, was far too young at 8 years. I am so very sorry for your loss an look forward to the time when we can all smile because it happened. My warmest regards to all; you are an inspiration.

  39. Such a heartbreaking but beautiful post. I can only imagine how hard it was to write. I'm very sorry for your loss.


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