Friday, January 26, 2018

Cats love Core with #Chewyinfluencer

This month in Influencer Program (where I get to pick one or two items out of a set list for free in exchange for an honest review) I picked the Wellness Core Simply Shreds. I chose the Wild Salmon and Tuna flavor because my cats do not get a lot of fish and I would like to get more Omega 3s in my cats as the vet recommended them for Muffin's arthritis and her kidney issues.

Fleurp is quite excited to give it a try.

They are not meant to be a meal, but a snack or even an enticer if your kitty isn't interested in eating your regular meal for some reason.

Each package is quite small only 1.75 oz and it is mostly liquid (there is one ounce in each one) so opening it is an adventure in not getting fish broth on your hands. It comes in four flavors, three are fish based: the one I tried, Tuna and Shrimp, and Chicken and Mackeral. Because they have two types of proteins, these flavors have four ingredients. The protein sources, broth, and water. There is also a chicken flavor which only has three ingredients.

Despite being in a pouch, I found it hard to get the fish out so I had to use a spoon to pull the rest of the fish out. Fleurp wasn't a fan of waiting for me to dish it all out.

I let them have four packages among the six of them. I'm not sure how much Twee got because she tends to wait until the feeding frenzy slows down.

Fleurp says thank you to Chewy for the yummy treats. She just wishes I wasn't so stingy with them.


  1. Wow, this got major good reviews from your crew. We will have to try this.

  2. I'm not surprised your crew gave these a good review - they look yummy!

  3. They're all happy they get to sample! - Tom

  4. clean plate club. mom agrees the pouches SEEM like a good idea but aren't that user friendly

  5. Looks like they were a hit. I too struggle with using pouches.

  6. Those pouches are a nuisance!

  7. Every review of this food is good. We'll have to check it out (though we hate pouches too).

  8. Those look like tasty treats. They might e just the thing to get fussy Pierre to eat when he's on strike.

  9. That one picture with the four cats eating from one plate ... looks like a gloriously floofy kitty convention!

  10. Wow, that plate is totally clean. That's a big paws up review!

  11. That's a very clean plate! Fleurp, you are gorgeous.

  12. Mmm looks good. Chewy has great kitty noms
    We wanted to thank you so very much for your support for all of us in the passing of Mr Buttons. It is greatly appreciated
    Timmy, Dad Pete and Family

  13. Great article.We should feed our pets with food that is best suited for them.Supplements are very essential for treatment of dogs from various health issues.I have been using supplement like pet bounce for dogs and cats for my cat who was suffering from joint pains.It turned out to be very effective as it is a natural pain relief for pets.


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