Friday, May 4, 2018

Convincing Momma Michaela to eat

When Michaela was dropped off to me it was conveyed that she was not eating well. Considering all she was going through and how scared she was I was not surprised. I was hopeful that being somewhere quiet without competition would prompt her to eat.

While she was willing to try anything I put down, she was not all that interested in eating that much. She almost seemed to have a "you have to pet me elebenty million times to activate my appetite" rule. I would rub her belly for a while, she'd jump down and eat a few bites then jump back up for more attention. Leaving her alone with the food didn't help either. I tried mixing it with some water, I tried fish flavors (which did get her to eat a bit more on her own). I got so exasperated, I tried raw.

That hit the spot. Have to say it made me a little proud, but I'm running low on raw at the moment so I can't put her on it exclusively.

I have been able to get her weight up from 3.22kg to 3.42kg (she's put on about half a pound) so I'm pleased with that. I still wish she would eat more though..

This made me smile. I'm not sure why she put the dog hair toy, that Robyn from Love and Hisses gave me, in the Moses basket I'm hoping she'll give birth in, but I'm choosing to believe it is a sign that she thinks the basket is an acceptable place for babies.


  1. Paws crossed that she chooses that basket - and eats more!

  2. It's soooo frustrating when they won't eat!! Glad you found something she liked.

  3. It's all too sweet, especially the Moses basket and the toy she put into it! Raw food is definitely more satisfying, hope you can find a food that works along with it.

  4. awwww - guess it will be chicken from the sky weekend then :)

  5. Oh how sweet. I'm glad she likes raw.

  6. She's such a sweetheart. And she's gone through so much in her short life, we imagine it will take time for her to adjust to a much better one.

  7. Love that picture of her by the empty bowl, and also love that picture of the Moses basket! She is a lucky girl, indeed.

  8. It is always tricky trying to find something an un-eating cat will eventually eat. It is always worrisome too because you wonder if there is an underlying medical cause. Glad the raw food hit the spot! have a great weekend!


  9. Michaela ....if yur mom will purrmit; ask if ewe can haz sardeenz....
    in water, noe salt etc added......they iz veree good for uz N will help
    jump startz yur appa tite ~~ ☺☺ tell her ta chex out de website


    we wood inn clood a linx but we noe sum blogs due knot like linx in commintz ~ ♥♥

  10. Small steps, but going in the right direction. Purrs for her and her babies.

  11. Aw, we're sure you'll fatten her up in no time.

  12. What a precious baby girl! If anyone could get her to eat, it would be you!

  13. Glad you found something she likes.

  14. We cross our paws and hope that she'll eat more, and choose the basket ! Purrs

  15. Micheala is in the purrfect hands now! This post reminds me of when we give Sweetie our home-made ground turkey; she won't let anything interfere with that meal!


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