Thursday, December 17, 2020

2020 Christmas tree


I was feeling Christmasy this year but I couldn't face decorating the tree without Muffin this year so the Catman put it up for me.  He put a few actual ornaments on it this year instead of just cat toys..

We are also trying it out in a new spot.  I do like it there.  

The ghosts of Christmas past are heavy this year. I miss Jack and Muffin terribly. Ollie as well, as he used to love to sleep under the tree like he was born to do it and we were horrible people for only letting him do it a few weeks out of the entire year.  


  1. Yes, it's tough when the sweet ones are no longer under the tree. Hugs from all of us.

  2. The tree is beautiful. I'm glad it's up, but yes, it is hard when you are missing family members. Purrs to you.

  3. The tree looks lovely, though I understand grief hanging heavy on the heart and not feeling festive. Lots of hugs to you, with purrs from Derry.

    (I know I don't typically comment on your blog now, but I'm following your foster adventures on Instagram. I hope the little ones are bringing a wee bit of comfort and cheer.)

  4. It looks great....but I understand the mixed feelings

  5. My Ollie used to love sleeping under the tree! I miss him so much. Jack and Jill will sleep there occassionally, but like the couch better,

  6. Pretty tree. And I understand about not wanting to decorate. With Covid and Wally not being here, Christmas is a bit of a bummer. But I tried to get into the spirit and put up the tree and some decorations.

  7. Your Catman is a good guy. The tree looks great and I hope you're able to make some new memories this year.
    Take care, stay well!

  8. That is a great tree. Ours is 30" but we love it. Memories live in the heart and so do all Angels

  9. Beautiful tree. I had a tough time getting ours up this year as we have lost so many kitties.

  10. Muffin and your "ornaments!" I remember. Dang, she's missed so much, Connie.

  11. Catman did a nice job with the tree. We understand, Connie, how hard the holidays can be without your angels. We keep looking over at our tree, expecting to see our Gracie there.

    Thank you so much for the beautiful and so very thoughtful sympathy card. We are so grateful for your kindness.



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