Thursday, April 1, 2021

Millie is missing!!

I know,  I know,  I've been absolutely horrible about sharing this set of kittens.  The reason being is that Millie has been increasingly reluctant to share them with me so I've been doing my best to give her space. I provided a nice covered space for her to hide out. 

Now that the kittens are getting older it is becoming more important that I handle them, so I opened up the sheets covering the cage.  Millie was not amused

These were her two spots to protect the kittens.  Where did she go??

After a moment of looking (the room isn't that big)...


I am still not allowed to touch, but a tribute was given and accepted (Temptations for the win)

I'm not really a fan of this so I'll cover the cage back up a bit and try again in a few days when they are a bit more mobile. 


  1. Millie is not yet ready for co-parenting!

  2. LOL, she is a tough one.

  3. Wow, Millie sure is a protective mom.

  4. Glad you found her. :) XO

  5. Wow, Millie is an even tougher case than I suspected.

  6. Hide and seek expert. :)

  7. Millie is a good mom, but she sure isn't helping the foster mom!

  8. Well at least she can't get too far...

  9. That photo with Millie and her kitties through the side hole is precious!

  10. They are such cute photos of Millie and the kittens. Dads girl Peep, many years ago before we knew better, had several "roving" litters. She found the best hidey holes and so did Millie

  11. Good that you found her, in time she will share her babies.


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