Thursday, May 19, 2016

Jack, Muffin and Fleurp take a trip to the vet

My cats take trips to the vet in threes because my vet offers a discount when I bring three at a time.  It is nice that they do that, but a bit annoying because I end up waiting until there are three issues (as long as none of the issues can't wait.  If something needs immediate attention they go immediately).

I noticed a while back that Jack had a bit of tarter on his teeth, and I was doing my best to get it off, but I wasn't having much luck. One of his teeth on his upper right side was dark and seemed to bother him when I brushed them, and his eye started watering, so he was issue #1. My poor boy has so few teeth left, I feared they were going to have to take that one too, but they decided it didn't need to go. I'm glad.  He did really well and came home and immediately started screaming for food. He's still a bit wobbly from the sedation, it was a fun combination.  He has eaten and is now resting.

Fleurp needed to go too.  Well, I suppose technically she didn't NEED to go, but for my peace of mind, I wanted to get a CBC done on her to see if she is becoming anemic or not.  She had some obvious issues back in February and I put her on pred for several weeks, then slowly weaned her off of it.  I had her down to 2.5mg every four days and I was trying to decide if she should stay on it until June or if I should stop.  I opted to stop, and I made a conscious effort to groom her fairly regularly until her winter mane was gone.  See Fleurp grows a pretty impressive mane in the winter, but loses it all and looks like a kitten during the summer. If she became anemic in the fall, while growing her mane, it would make sense. Becoming anemic when her hair is falling out makes no sense at all... but on the random chance that consuming all her fur was interfering with something I furminated her almost daily for a few weeks.. so far *knocks wood* things are going well, and her blood work confirms it. I won't feel like we are out of the woods this year until summer officially starts.

For about six months now Muff has had a some of the oddest things going on.  No major red flag, just a bunch of tiny, little, minor things that were bugging me. Originally I brought her to the vet for going into the bathroom and doing her little half mew whine thing. She would stand near where Jack used to pee so I feared she was having urinary issues, but no.  Then in February, I brought her in thinking it might have been her anal glands. One was a bit bigger but it didn't seem to change anything once it was expressed. Lately, she has been less tolerant of other cats in the house and there would be major hiss offs if someone got to close to her. She would also get snippy with me if I touched her hips when she was laying on the bed. She previously had a tremor in her front legs, which seemed to go away after a few days, now she has something so slight that it could be a tremor, it could be a slight limp, it could be I was imagining things, but I thought I would go and bring her in and have someone put hands on her and see if she might have arthritis. Fortunately, and unfortunately, nothing was found.  We decided to do more bloodwork to make sure there isn't a thyroid or some other issue going on there.  The vet also recommended she lose two pounds on the off chance it is the beginning of arthritis.  So I'm going to cut out the random can of Fancy Feast I've been slipping her from time to time (because it is the only thing that pacifies her when she becomes whiny).  She is almost 14 years old, so we might just be entering her cranky old lady phase, but I want to make sure that there isn't something I can do for her to help her be happier.

So $600+ dollars later, I think we are set for a while - well as long as nothing pops on Muffin's blood work.


  1. I'm glad things are good with Jack and Fleurp. I hope things are good with Muffin too.

  2. It's good to hear that Jack came through with his remaining teeth intact! Fleurp's fur-eating causing her mystery anemia is an interesting theory. How long can you keep up daily furmination to prove it out? Paws crossed that Muffin's bloodwork doesn't show anything unusual. Talia, who we lost a few years ago, had leg tremors off an on from only a few years old and no one could ever give a good answer for them. The vet wrote them off as possibly arthritis.

  3. We're glad to hear your kids are pretty much ok. There is always something to watch though. PS: We haven't seen Art3mis on the cam recently. Has she gone back to the shelter?

  4. We're glad everybuddy is okay...though we purr that Muffin's bloodwork doesn't show anything real bad. This sounds like a little of what Wally is his case, the vet thinks it's the beginning of arthritis.

  5. better safe than sorry. glad Jack got to keep all his remaining teeth though :)

  6. I'm glad things are stable, and that Jack's dental was uneventful.

  7. Geez, I nearly kill myself when I take two cats at once...but three! Yikes! Glad that Jack kept his remaining teefs, and that you've got a handle on Fleurp's issue. Let's hope Muffin likes her new diet food!

  8. I hope Muffin's blood work comes back with good results. Speaking of tremor, Niko has very slight tremor (only) while he eats his dinner. Vet hadn't found anything wrong..but I wonder what is causing it.

  9. I'm glad Jack and Fluerp are good and I hope Muffin will be OK too. I know what you mean about "little" symptoms that you're not sure are even there, but you know you're worried for a reason.

  10. That's nice they give a three-cat discount. Glad Jack got to keep his toothie. Glad that Fleurp is well and hope Muffin is okay too.

  11. Ouch, these vet visits are tough on the pocketbook, but brings peace of mind.

    Emma and Buster

  12. We're glad Jack and Fleurp are doing well, we hope everything will be OK for Muffin too. Purrs

  13. The vet is always so expensive. I hope nothing comes up on Muffin's blood work and you can find something that may make her happier. I'm glad Jack didn't have to give up any more teeth and that he and Fleurp are doing well.

  14. Glad to hear everyone is okay. and especially that Jack got to keep his teefies! How nice that you get a discount when you bring multiple pets. I need to ask about that at my vet...

  15. Good to know Jack and Muffin are fine. Sorry it costs so much to find out.


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