Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Would you like a cup of kitten?

The kittens are doing okay.  I wonder if Art3mis is making enough milk because more and more of the kittens are eating canned food.  Up until recently they felt heavy for their size, but not so much anymore. It could very well be because they had a growth spurt.  I'll be keeping an eye on them and if need be I'll break out my scale.  I might try to stop at the shelter and get some KMR to supplement them and Art3mis just to hedge my bets.

If you have been checking on the webcams regularly you might have noticed I changed out the bedding. No one was pleased, but as you can see the line of dirt above it was well beyond time.  That towel was at the very bottom of the pile of towels that were down, so they only had access to that small bit of it.

Looks like I have to get serious about picking names.. I can't keep calling them the fuzzy one and the stripey one..

In other news, Kit is doing well. So much so that she had her crazy pants on yesterday morning and woke me up by trying to play with the dust in the bathtub. I threw her a few cat toys and she was in absolute heaven. Things in general, are going smoothly.  So far Fleurp has been holding her weight *knock wood* and hasn't become anemic again since stopping the pred.


  1. I love that cup, and it is perfectly kitten-sized! I'm glad Kit and Flerup are doing well.

  2. Awwww!! We're glad people are doing well there. PS: you could take from the Hobbit names... Thorin, maybe?

  3. Those growth spurts make foster moms twitch:)

  4. Art3mis is getting sucked dry by her six babes! No wonder her hip bones are sticking out. Kittens in a cup...CUTE!

  5. Umm, heck yes I would like a cup of kitten! They are too cute.

  6. I'll have six cups of kitten, please! Stat!

  7. I have one cup of kitty for each day of week please.

    Emma and Buster

  8. We'll have one or two cup of cute kitten every day, please ! Purrs

  9. The kittens are adorable! They are lucky to have you. :)

  10. Those pics are adorable...'specially that last one.

  11. Those cups runneth over with cute fur sure!

  12. Love the kittens in the teacup photos.

  13. I would love a cup of kitten, two cups :) Great photo shoot- you do the cutest shoots, you should make them into calendars and cards.


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