Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Love is in the air..

Regular readers of this blog know that I really like cats in bow ties. Skippy wears one on a regular basis. It totally fits with his personality and he does not mind it at all. Occasionally, I'll remove his bow tie for one reason or another and he just looks silly to me... kinda like when your friend who wears glasses takes off their glasses.

This past holiday season an admirer send us a nice pretty pink bow tie and a jar of salmon treats for the kitties. I knew almost immediately I'd be doing a Valentine post with it. When I saw another pink bow tie at recently I had to have that too.  Oddly. though, they put the bow on upside down.

A couple of quick adjustments - I hate bells anyway - and we were back in business.

Must say, these really are adorable.

The salmon treats are interesting. I didn't realize I had never had them before. The chunks of salmon were huge in comparison to other cat sized treats, but not one of the cats complained.

Sadly, Jack is not a big bow tie guy, he tends to start to paw at them if I leave them on too long. but I do appreciate the sacrifice he made for the blog fodder ☺


  1. Awww so cute and adorable,xx Rachel

  2. I like wearing bow ties too! I think they are fun, especially since I'm a girl.

  3. Open mouth, insert treat. 😃 I love bowties on cats too.

  4. OMC they are sooo cute!! They look very ready for Valentine's Day :-)

  5. Such great photos! And handsome boys. ;-)

  6. LG's mom8:10 AM

    Those are quite dashing (both ties and cats)! I particularly like the jaunty side-bow look. LG is not a bow tie fan. He paws at and/or bites them fairly quickly, thus limiting the available timeframe for tie photo opps. And then he runs away, which *really* puts the kibbosh on a photo shoot.

  7. Skippy looks like he is yelling for more treats. And the expression on Jack's face in that last picture pretty much says it all :)

  8. Skippy really wears the pink well! Jack looks incredibly handsome, but I wouldn't turn my back on him for too long.

  9. That boy was born for the bow. :)

  10. OMC! Real mancats can wear pink!

  11. Those bow ties are purrfect. We hope Jack got lots of treats for modeling his. Well, Skippy should too...but he likes wearing bow ties.

  12. Why do manufacturers add that bell? Bells on cats are bad for their hearing, and they quickly learn how to move without making a jingle they are useless. Old wives tale, methinks! The boys look gorgeous in pink; Skippy because he enjoys it and Jack because he'll do anything for you!

  13. Such a handsome pair! :)

  14. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Dapper mancats in pink bow ties? Be still my heart.., THUD

  15. What gorgeously handsome cats! Very dapper.

  16. OMC, how handsome and dapper the kitties look!

  17. Very cute, but we have to agree with Jack. We don't like things on our necks either!

  18. They look so cute and handsome.

  19. They look so dapper in their bow ties!

  20. Skippy and Kack sure do look dapper in those bowties. :)

  21. Jack looks very feminine in his fancy pink bowtie. But as long as he gets food, I'm not sure he minds too much. :)

  22. These photos are so delightful.

    Emma and Buster

  23. OMC, these are the cutest photos!

  24. They are too adorable for words. Real mancats wear pink proudly.

  25. AngieL12:12 PM

    When i saw this:
    I thought of Skippy <3


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