Friday, July 7, 2017

Magic Potato Puffs

Magical things happened last night. I walked into the kitten room and neither one of them ran away to see if I was a threat first. Just yesterday morning they ran to the other side of the room, and the night before they ran and Yukon hid and waited to make sure I wasn't a threat first. Major progress pretty quickly, I am impressed.

And this happened.

If you didn't want to watch it, I'm not gonna tell you what happened (yup, I'm evil) but we can just say it was more magic (although you could probably read the comments to figure it out). Way to go kittens!!


  1. OMC, that's amazing!

  2. So adorable!!! I just wanted to reach out and touch that potato bellly.

  3. Yep, you do have the touch!

  4. Keep your motors running! Oh the tummy rubs... ♥ Sorry to give it away but it was so worth the watch and hard to not say something! You DO have the touch, Whiskeratti is right!

  5. That is so sweet. I want to give that lovely little tummy some rubs too!

  6. well that didn't take very long. good job kittens and foster mom lady

  7. So sweet. Our current two were neutered yesterday. Hopefully they find homes soon. Not so easy at this time of the year in South FL. We are drowning in kittens.

  8. Oh my!!!!!!!

    Sowee, our typist just fainted.

    Emma and Buster

  9. They discovered how to have more fun, I see!

  10. See, I KNEW you were gonna have fun with your potato theme! You really should never doubt your kitten whisperer abilities; patience, Grassshopper!

  11. Oooh ! Amazing ! That's so sweet ! Purrs

  12. How gratifying to see what a difference you make in your fosters' lives! I don't care what anyone else says ... that kind of love is beautiful and amazing.

  13. Awww..that is sweet.

  14. Has it occurred to you yet that you are getting a little too good at this? Soon you are going to have 24-hour turnaround times for your fosters, and kitten room will be emptier, Happy Bear won't be as happy, etc. Slow down, lady, and be scarier! This is one of those rare times when it pays (in kitten fun time) to be less proficient and efficient.

  15. Aww, yay for one-figure belly rubs!

  16. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Judith Anne, look away!!! Don't let those blue eyes pull you in...

  17. Precious! Now I want to give a wee nugget a little belly rub!

  18. Squee! Seriously, a little potato belly for rubbing? That's amazing and adorable :)


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