Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Eli and his good side

Momma, are you putting my nose boogers on the internet? 

And my eye crusties? Do you have no shame woman?

 This is my good side.. put this side on the internet.. 

Eli still suffers from blocked tear ducts from a couple of bouts of Calicivirus when he was a kitten. He generally keeps his face clean, but sometimes I catch him with a lot of gunk on his face. Sometimes I clean it for him, sometimes I let him know that if he doesn't get someone to clean it for him I'll do it and the next time I see him his face is nice and clean 


  1. Boodie gets the crusties too... I think it's part of her breed though - she is some sort of ragdoll mix, if not purebred (she was abandoned in a vet parking lot so we don't know her origins).

  2. Aw Eli, we think you're handsome anyway...

  3. smart boy - get someone else to do it and avoid the momma :)

  4. Moms have no shame and post everything online!

  5. Eli, your crusties are better than my posting photos of peeballs, dontcha think? Or Chucky's...ahem...starfish?

  6. Aw, Eli...boogers or not...you're still handsome.

  7. Both sides are perfect, Eli!


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