Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Bestest Christmas EVA!!

Dudes! Let me tell you the story of the bestest Christmas gift EVA! I don't know how momma got it for us without knowing it was in the house, because she was rather annoyed when we got it.. Maybe Santa Paws is real after all..

She was laying in bed and heard Twee scratching at something behind her nightstand. She thought that Twee was just after one of her toys that she had previously stashed back there (Twee has a habit of pushing her toys into places she can't get to them) but when Fleurp got involved and the action moved a bit, she started to investigates what we haz'd.

She knew something was up.. this was no ordinary toy. This was the bestest toy EVA!!

Momma initially thought it was dead, and for a split second thought about letting us dispose of it*, but then she saw it move and sprung into action. Daddy was quite confused and didn't know what to do so Momma had to explain everythings and made him get a box to trap it in.

We tired that mouse right out, so Momma had no problem getting it into a container but she was a little confused as to what to do next. She knew that if she just put it outside the mouse would come back in. With all the snow out there, she was a little sad to let it out thinking she would just be making a mouse-icle. She gave the mousie a little cheese (which it was too traumatized to eat) and drove it down the street and tried to at least put it near a tree. She failed miserably and still fears she made a mouse-icle, but she did the kindest thing she could think of.

Now, we are all on high alert for additional gifties from Santa Paws.. We know that there must be more out there..

* If I wasn't worried about my neighbors using mouse poisons, I would be inclined to let my cats eat a mouse they legitimately killed. But I am worried, and they didn't kill it, and I just couldn't let it suffer.

Right after we moved into this house I found some mouse poop, but I hoped that it was from a previous invasion that was already taken care of. We had already bought the house so it wasn't like we could force anyone to fix anything, and I was avoiding the whole thing hoping that it wasn't a thing - or if it was the smell of six cats in the house would make them flee. Now that I know that it is totally a thing, getting someone in here to take care of this is going to be a high priority.


  1. Wow, kittehs, what a treat! And of course your mom had to take it from you, that's what moms do. PS: we had a mouse once. Our mom's reaction was.... to freak out basically.

  2. Score! Moms are always stealing the fun things.

  3. Well, that was a fun game while it lasted! We had roof rats here for a while, and boy did we have a blast!

  4. You must have been very good kitties that Santa Paws brought you such a lovely gift. Maybe there are some more gifts waiting for you, hidden somewhere.

  5. We had a squirrel invade our attic yesterday and the manpeep had to chase it out. It sounds like you kitties had it much better because your little rodent was within reach! Humans break up all the fun games, don't they? Better luck next mouse.

  6. Whoa! I believe that I would have done the same thing; release the mousie away from the house, but worry that it was in peril anyhow. Not much else to do

  7. Well dang....at least you got to look at it

  8. Wow! Merry Christmas, guys! You are very lucky kitties to get a real, live Mousie.

  9. That's so cool ! A living present ! Santa is amazing ! Purrs

  10. Well, that was furry exciting..for the mouse too! Mom bean says to look for holes - even teeny tiny ones where vents come into the house. When she moved into her first house there was a hole under the sink in the kitchen. She didn't have any kitties then, and by the time she was done trapping there were 11 of them!!! Sheesh we sure wish we had been there to see them!

  11. Too bad she took your toy away. But maybe you’ll find more!

  12. As someone who recently trapped and relocated two mice from our laundry room to a nearby park, your story resonated with me! :-)

  13. Way to go, Twee! And it was sure an exciting Christmas for you.

  14. Well I am glad you had a wonderful Christmas as I did also

  15. That was a nice gift from Santa.

  16. What fun for the felines! That's quite a smug/happy look on Eli. ;-)

  17. What a cute mouse! I think it would have been nice if you had kept it and given it a safe (sort of) warm home. After all, there are no kittens and you need something tiny to look after. I still regret the one we caught and let go a few years ago. Now you can expect to have six cats staring at walls for the foreseeable, as they try to will another into existence.

  18. What fun!!! You all did a great job sniffing that little dude out!

  19. Very cool present, but I'm glad the little critter survived. Putting it outside was ok as long as it could find someplace to shelter. My grandma's house just had a big mouse infestation. It took a while to find the opening where they were getting in, but after a few weeks of trapping, putting bait under the house (no cats live there), and trapping about a dozen mice, the problem is finally taken care of.

  20. Wow, what a great Christmas present! Too bad Mom didn't let you keep it.


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