Monday, December 4, 2017

Fleurp says Hello

My husband picked up Fleurp to snuggle her. It was so cute I wanted to get a photo and as soon as I said that Fleurp "waved" at me. I turned, grabbed my camera and asked her to do it again.

The smirk on my husband's face is because he couldn't believe that she did it after I asked her to. Me? I just expected her to, that is why I asked.

I am working hard on getting the kitten room set up and once I do I will go to the local shelter and beg for kittens offer my services. I am hoping I don't have to wait until spring, but it is very rare to have kittens up this way in the winter unless they import them from down south. If I have to wait until spring, you'll just have to put up with Fleurp carrying the blog.

I have created an end of year 'holiday' card. If you would like one, fill out your address on my Postable account and I will send one out to you. Since my blog has been so quiet lately, I only ordered 100 of them. If for some reason I get more requests than that I will order some more but that means it will take a little longer for you to receive it. I hope you don't mind. 🐱


  1. I filled out my information. Thank you very much.

  2. Fleurp AND hubby! Excellent!

  3. That is so cute!!!

  4. Awwww that is so sweet! Love the photos of Fleurp waving at you!

  5. That is so sweet that she waved when you asked her to.

  6. What cute pictures! Such a pretty girl she is.

  7. How cute! If Fleurp will wave for you, I bet she will give you a high five if you spend a little time working on it with her. That's sort of how we got started!

  8. Well hello there, Fleurp!

  9. Hey!!! We need your mailing address, Lady! Love, Lion

  10. Fleurp carrying the blog is okay by me! She must be settling in pretty well, lol!

  11. Hi, Fleurp! More Fleurp can never be bad!

  12. Way ta go Fleurp! ANd we love that blue wall!

  13. Hello right back at you, Fleurp!


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