Thursday, April 5, 2018

A box is a box is a box

Muffin has always loved a box. No box was safe from her investigations in years past but lately, it has been harder and harder for her to get in and out of them because of her arthritis.

When I ordered something online the other day I put the empty box with the recycling to be taken out later and Muffin loved it. I have caught her sitting in it several times. I would leave it there, but I know as soon as I decide to do that she won't use it anymore 🐱

Although, I will make it a point to store other boxes like this in the future.


  1. Muffin, you do look adorable and so happy in your box. And we know you appreciate that your mom figured out how to make it easily accessible for you.

  2. You can't recycle this! It's mine!

  3. what a good idea....nice thinking

  4. Move it around the house so it seems new!

  5. Muffin looks really happy in that box!

  6. muffin....wavez two ewe gorgeouz......N itz all bout de angle oh said box....rite !!! ☺☺♥♥

  7. There’s nothing better than a good box.

  8. Sideways boxes can be just as much fun as upright.


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