Friday, April 20, 2018

Blogging conference: day two

It is way too late, and I am way too tired, but I thought I would check in with you all and let you know I'm still kicking. 🐱 There is something uniquely special about hanging out with people who get you, who are into the same things you are. Tonight a number of the cat bloggers went out to eat at a local BBQ joint and had a wonderful time talking about cats and blogging and the things we have learned and vendors of products we have met.

I am really enjoying being here, even if the furry hoard at home is giving me major guilt trips for not being at their beck and call

Seriously, how did I ever leave the house?
and yes, that is snow back there. it is still coming down according to the Catman


  1. Snow back home? Really? Geez! My human had so much fun hanging out with you and the other cat blogging humans tonight! Too bad I couldn't come along - don't restaurants know that kitties like BBQ too?

  2. Trust me, I feel your pain re: the snow, given that we're still freezing here and still have snow on the ground. Maybe you want to stay there for a few more days after the know, till spring actually arrives! :-D

  3. Yeah, those are stink eyes iffen we ever seen 'em.

  4. Oh, those looks! We'd have a tough time, too.

  5. You've got to run out the door, and not look back!

  6. Oh no, not snow again ! We're glad to hear you have fun at the conference ! Of course, those looks will follow you until you come back home, MOL ! Purrs


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