Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Practicing black cat photography

I swear I'm going to be an expert after this set of kittens.. The foster room has poor light so the whole thing is an exercise in patience and since my subjects keep moving it is not easy.

For those of you keeping score, we now have four cords detached (see that first photo) and three kittens that have eyeballs.


  1. so the boy is holding out on you?? too funny. they can make it hard, but that one of him perched on the blanket is adorable

  2. Little round cute kittens!

  3. We think you're doing a great job. Everyone is so cute.

  4. Awww the kittens are sooo cute! I think your photos are capturing them wonderfully!

  5. What cuties! I think you are getting the black kitten photo thing down.

  6. When photographing my friend's all-black kitten, I grabbed her up and took selfies...but moved myself out of the shot! Michaela's babies are SO BIG already, even if they are still just squirming blobs of fur.

  7. We think your black cat photography is amazing :)

  8. The mom knows how difficult photographing black cats can be (thanks to Ernie), and you did really well.

  9. We feel your pain! We have one little black girl right now and getting pictures of her is so hard!

  10. Oh, look at those eyes plinking!! I’m sure it’ll be easier to get better lighting once they’re a bit bigger.


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