Thursday, June 21, 2018

The kittens have left the nest

Since we already had one escapee, I knew it wouldn't be long before I would have to remove the basket from the kitten room. Yesterday I went to check on Michaela and found her and two of the kittens in the cage nursing while the other two were still in the basket. Since I know she has no idea how to put them back this wasn't fair.

I had ulterior motives though.. seems that the kittens were happy to pee on their bedding. I tried to remedy this by putting a pee pad down, but they simply burrowed under the pee pad and peed on the basket. So now they have a few litter pans around the room, and none of them have used them. I just hope they aren't using the towel in the cage.. because I am not a fan of doing excessive laundry.

They are starting to become aware of object play. Toys are catching their attention but they lack the strength and coordination to make the toys very interesting so they don't care all that much about them. That will be coming soon though.. I imagine by this weekend there will be no stopping them.


  1. And we remember that time long ago when they JUST entered the world. Now they are taking over!

  2. Michaela, time to teach your babies to use them boxes!

  3. Let the cuteness begin!

  4. places to go....things to do....towels to pee on

  5. Potty training... not for the faint of heart! Or laundry averse.



  7. B and de Z crew....yur fotoz iz bee yond price lezz !! ~~~~ ♥♥♥☺☺

  8. Oh how precious and sweet. I so wish I could hold them.

  9. Pee pads??? Why would we want to pee on them?? ;)

  10. They are just so precious, and growing like proverbial weeds. It never gets old, seeing tiny fur babies develop and grow. :-)

    Thanks for the comment re: Nicki. Yes, his PH is fine, 6.0 last week. Derry's also is fine at 6.5. In Nicki's case, I think it's my traveling, but as I'm booked for a couple of nights away in July, we/he will just have to cope!

  11. Oh, those faces! Let the adventuring begin!

  12. Once the kittens become mobile ... all heck breaks loose. They are adorable though - I imagine much is forgiven. Also, Happy Birthday, Connie! I'm so glad I finally got to meet you - I admire you so much!

  13. And chaos will begin shortly.

  14. Happy Belated Birthday Connie!

  15. Time for potty training ! Purrs

  16. Hmmm...I could have swore I left a comment on this post. Since I just read the most recent, I know they're now using their litter pans for the most part, thank goodness. They're going to be a lot fun (and maybe just a tiny bit of trouble).


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