Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Great Googly Moogly, The kittens have big eyes

Sunsweet is absolutely ridiculous
Sunsweet, what big eyes you have..  
Slate says it is all the better to see you with
Agate's eyes have turned
Marble's eyes are starting to turn
Midnight's eye color turned last week!
They are growing so fast.. I need them to slow down a bit so I have time to teach them everything they need to know to go out and be good kitties. Fortunately, Sunsweet and Midnight are smaller so that will help.  Generally, you neuter and adopt out on size (when the vet is comfortable neutering them) and not so much on age. Usually, I'm joking that I need to feed kittens rocks or donuts to put weight on them.. I don't think I have ever had to jokingly say I had to lighten them up a bit.. What? feed them helium??


  1. I'm head over heels in love with Agate! Have you gotten any idea of their personalities yet?

  2. If you find Sunsweet missing, it wasn't me. . .

  3. Do kittens always look a little walleyed at this age?
    Those are some big round eyes!

  4. I just want to reach into my computer screen and rub my face all over these babies!

  5. They are such cuties! And yes, growing so fast.

  6. Thanks for making me smile


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