Monday, March 16, 2009

Mice belong in the Office!!

Fleurp has until now not had access to my office. She was in the kitten room until she was neutered, then lived in the house as I fostered Happiness and Joy in my office. They went back to be adopted, but I still needed to clean up the room and re-claim it as foster kitten free. I did that this weekend, and the door has been open all week.

Well while the door was closed, mice would be shoved under the office door. I thought maybe Fleurp wanted to share her mice with the underprivileged, but since the door has been open, there have been more and more mice congregating in the doorway. Apparently mice belong in the office.

Tonight has been an interesting night. DH is out of town once again for work, so I've been home alone with the crew. Jack has once again taken to 'attacking" Kit. I never really see what happens, I only ever see the middle and or hear the end. This time I heard a horrific scream, and when I screamed in response; Jack, Kit and Fleurp all came out from behind the chair. Now Jack is no where to be found, Fleurp has some odd condition on her chest that is making it look wet, and Kit is flopping her tongue around as if she's got something stuck in her mouth. Fleurp was a little annoyed I was examining her, but other than the uncertainty of the situation, she seems fine. No odor, no excessive moisture, no puss, nothing other than she looks wet or greasy. from under her chin, down past her collar, and all on her chest. I've looked in Kit's mouth twice, and see nothing for her to be flopping her tongue around for, and now she's grooming herself as if nothing is wrong. I swear, my cats just like to test me. I absolutely will be keeping an eye on Kit, as I tend to err on the side of caution. I'd rather spend the next two days watching for issues than to have one pop up and my not be aware of it. She's currently sitting right in front of my monitor trying to attack the cabinets.. She's fine. Although I'm starting to understand why she likes to ride around on "Daddy's" shoulders.

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