Monday, August 4, 2014

Mondays are better with kittens

I have to say these three are becoming cuddly kittens, which is nice. The first day they would scatter when I walked in the room, now they are climbing up on us and snuggling with us. I took them home with me to put a little weight on them. They felt a bit straggly, a little light for their size, so I offered them some canned food, and well this was their reaction to that:

They act hungry, but they were not eating well at all. I tried some goats milk, and they weren't interested in that either. Then we had vomit, so yesterday I went to the shelter and asked for some deworming meds. Hopefully we are dealing with a simple round worm issue and things will turn around nicely from here.


  1. Paws crossed that those kittens just have worms and nothing more!

  2. Poor little muffins. We're sending lots of purrs to you guys.

  3. They are gorgeous! Hope they get their appetite back soon!

  4. We hope that they are going to eat well after deworming ! It's nice they are already cuddly kittens ! Purrs

  5. Soooo cute! Meow faces always get me, even with my own!
    Hopefully meds will get them ship shape...although part of me would like them to be around for a little while as they're adorable to watch! I'm torn!

  6. The mouse-in-the-food-bowl picture made me laugh out loud. Those kittens are so sweet...they're giving me kitten fever.

  7. Awww...they are soooo cute! I hope they get over their issues quickly and start eating well.

  8. well geez - that is quite the rejection....hope they are feeling better soon

  9. They are so adorable. One of my boys used to put his toy in a dish bowl sometimes, too.
    I hope they will start eating well after deworming.

  10. aww they so cute,hope the worming meds do the trick,xx Rachel

  11. Poor kitties. But it sure was cute that they tried to feed the food to the mousie. Hopefully it's just a case of round worms and easily treated.

  12. They are way too cute to be sick and we hope they are all better really soon.

  13. We hope everyone feels 100% very quickly!

  14. What little darlings! Hoping they start eating better after the deworming.

  15. cute black kitties. hope they turn out fine.

    Emma and Buster

  16. What cuties!!!! Good luck worming them! I hope they get to eating soon....they need it!


  17. Paws crossed that the Worm-B-Gone will do the trick!

    The third photo with the teeny fangs KILLED.

  18. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Everything is better with kittens!!

  19. OMC...three panfur kittens. Hope you get them straightened out so they grow up to be healthy and strong. They are absolutely precious. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  20. And BLACK KITTENS are da BOMB! But then again, I'm prejudiced. ;-)

    Selina & MomKatt Laura

  21. What sweet, sweet photos! Big purrs for their health and for their appetite to increase.


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