Saturday, October 18, 2014

#PrimalPet Primal Pet treats molded way before expiration

So a month ago I was contacted by Chewy and offered a package of Primal treats to review. Sadly they weren't really loved, so they sat in my treat cupboard for a while and I didn't touch them. On Wednesday I thought I would give some to The Crew to nom on while I was at work.  When I got home they were all gone, so I decided to do the same thing on Thursday.

I opened up the package and was kind of distressed to see this.. 

You can see I left the desiccant in the package to keep the moisture levels down. There were no instructions on how to store this, so I assumed in the dry cabinet where I keep my other cat treats was as good a place as any. What is so distressing about this though is the expiration date on this product.. 

to me that reads 01/02/16. Maybe it is supposed to be 15, but even still we are still squarely in 2014 and fairly far from 15.

I was reluctant to buy these treats myself because the less than stellar consumption by The Crew, but I am even more so now consider this.. I'm just glad that no one got sick from the treats I fed the day before.. (well that I know of..) 

One quick note: I would far rather a product mold than never mold, because to me that indicates it is real food and not laden with preservatives and additives, but I really would have liked an expiration date that was a little more realistic, because if it had a 11/1/14 date, I would have taken a closer look at it the first time I gave it out this week.


  1. Mold.................yuck

  2. Yikes! That makes me want to pay close attention to the treats I give out!

  3. The Primal Treats we got (the turkey liver) are still fresh - and tasty!

  4. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Oh wow. Really, a dried meat product that has an expiration date THAT far into the future? Hmmmmm......

  5. We also got samples for this, and the Camp Leaf cats were not impressed. Ours also had a weird smell, like formeldahyde, almost. I threw them out. Bad batch, maybe? I have generally been impressed with the primal products.

  6. Well, that's too bad. We wonder if you should let the company know.

  7. We too think you should let the company know. Perhaps it was contaminated somehow?


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