Thursday, August 6, 2015

The Monochromatic Feline Duo

Frasier and Holly are a study in near monochrome, except for those pink noses
They think you should sometimes see the world in black and white
See, if we turn our backs to you we are monochrome.. 
Hey, we were supposed to be monochromatic!
Hey! turn off the color!!
Much better

So, what do you think? Are Monochromatic kitties beautiful?


  1. Oh yeah, and they are totally precious besides!

  2. Of course! They are adorable especially when they have little pink noses and pink in their ears. My tuxedo Livy has been at the Bridge 12 years now, yet I think of her often and recall how many compliments she received for her beauty. I hope the rescue will adopt out Fraisier and Holly together, they seem to adore one another and make such a darling monochromatic duo, especially with those pink nosies! As the old saying goes, two are better than one. 💜

  3. That was just too funny. They are all so beautiful no matter what color they are. I'm sure going to miss them.

  4. MOL, their wish is your command! These have been a litter of little characters, for sure.

  5. adorable....cute to see how close their patterns are to each other :)

  6. Of course! And funny too.

  7. They look so much like my Angel kitty! She has the same black mask on her head, with pink nose and pink ears and pink paw pads.

  8. Absolutely ! They are such cuties ! Purrs

  9. Oh Yes!! Of course we are!! MOL

  10. These two sure are. :)

  11. They sure are! Cute as buttons! xx


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