Monday, December 7, 2015

The most wonderful time of the year

The other day on Facebook I teased this photo asking: What are we doing with a basket of cat toys and a ladder ????

Well a few of you guessed correctly; Yes, we were decorating the Christmas tree..

I call it the most wonderful time of the year because the toys are dumped out of the basket where they are stored all year. My cats will occasionally dig through the basket, but this is the only time of year where they can be assured the chance to do a review of all of the toys.

Yup, my cats suffer from a severe deficiency of cat toys..

Hum, apparently I didn't share photos on my blog in 2013 and 2014.. I'm kind of surprised by that.. I do really love my tree. I loved it when I hung all of my 'real' ornaments on it too, but it was so much work to unwrap them all and put them all up only to take them down a few weeks later. One of my favorite Christmas time memories as a child was sitting by the tree and looking at the ornaments and this is one way I can give that joy to my cats.  I know they don't get it, but they really enjoy the tree. They pull the toys out of the bottom of the tree every day, and every morning we put them back for them.

Don't forget I am sending out Christmas cards, and I would love to send one to you. You can either send me your mailing address via email at or you can fill out the form here at Postable. If you would like to send me one you can do so at
Tails from the Foster Kittens
PO Box 94
W. Kennebunk, ME 04094


  1. What's that white thing next to the tree? Is that what's making the lights spin on the ceiling?

    1. there is a small shelving unit on the wall in the alcove where the tree goes, so I think that might be the 'white thing' you are referring to. The tree topper is what is making the lights on the ceiling.

  2. That is the most amazing Christmas tree ever!

  3. We're always so impressed by your cat toy Christmas Tree! Over the years, we're collecting more and more soft ornaments so the lower tier of our tree is becoming a cat toy tree, too, but not from our toy basket.

  4. that is a great idea and the tree looks lovely!!

  5. I love this idea. <3

  6. That's the coolest Christmas tree I've ever seen!
    Have a wonderful week...

    Noodle and crew

  7. Best. Tree. Ever. Purrs

  8. Oh Meow, we luv da ceilin' shots. We so luv Christmas lights. Dat be our favorite fing. Have a blest day. BDW: we luv da idea of da cat toys. MOL

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  9. What a cool idea, but the mom thinks that would just encourage us to play with the real we need any encouragement. ;)

  10. That is the best Christmas tree I have ever seen- great idea :)


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