Monday, March 21, 2016

Adventures in kittensitting

I am absolutely loving having these two here. It has been so interesting to get to know them after they spent time at the shelter and getting handled by so many people there. They are so much more outgoing and inquisitive that I could almost convince myself they are completely different kittens. I am so glad, and I have absolutely no concerns that they will adjust to their new home when the time comes. And they are freakin adorable in their collars.


  1. It's like you are getting bonus foster time with them!

  2. Anonymous2:26 AM

    You prepared these two kittens for the life the had ahead of them, and clearly set them up for success. From two shy, very untrusting bundles of nerves to two confident, curious and outgoing kittens, you've worked your magic once again. We are all so fortunate to be able to watch these two blossom even more under your kitten tutelage. I have no doubt they will pass all kitty exams with flying colors.

  3. How fun that you're getting no-pressure bonus time with them like this. Does it feel different now that you know they already have homes waiting for them?

  4. This is a new role for you! And yeah...they are freakin' adorable.

  5. How wonderful that they are coming out of their shells. And what cute pictures!

  6. Ohhhhh they know what to do with too tall freaky beings, don't they? POUNCE!!

  7. that is so fun to see that changes in them after even a short time....

  8. Squeeee! These two are just so adorable. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  9. Has this happened before? That you got extra time with the fosters? It's really a treat for us to see them for a longer time.

    Emma and Buster

    1. I have kitten sat before.. it is always nice to see the fosters after they have been adopted.

  10. OMW I love your blog!! I am a cat fiend and love to read anything about them..I wish I could foster...not a good choice for me right now but maybe in the future. I have one 8 yr old gray tabby girl, I miss having a kitten too..they are so cute!!


    1. Thank you :) I'm glad you enjoy it. Whenever you are in a place where you can foster, the need will be there :)

  11. Freakin' adorable! Here's hoping their new home will be the bestest!

  12. Good lord, that tabby one is stunning!

  13. They are definitely freakin' adorable! I love the reaction to the giraffe.

  14. Such cuties- I love that spotted tummy.

  15. They definitely are freaking adorable! Their new mom is a very lucky cat woman.

  16. We can see how you are loving having those two little ones. They look so playful and they are over the top adorable. Hugs and nose kisses


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