Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Art3mis is still available at @AWSKennebunk

After the adoption event, I went over to the shelter to visit with Art3mis. She has been adjusting to living at the shelter, but she still has some quirks that I wanted to help her with. She does not like to be held at all and picking her up is still questionable. She loves to be petted, even offering me her belly to be rubbed, but new people are hard on her - which is why I hadn't been going as often.

I almost didn't recognize her when I first saw her. I only knew it was her by the little red dot in her left eye. She has filled out quite a bit and is sleek and looked so darn happy. She had recently taken ownership of the room she was in. It was hard for her because there was another cat with a strong personality that had tried to take control of both rooms. She eventually took ownership of hers, and now with the adoption of the other cat, I think she has really blossomed.

I would say she would get along well with other cats as long as they don't expect her to be submissive. As long as you don't expect to pick her up and carry her around all day she will be a lovely companion to anyone.  I am so happy with how far she has progressed from the cat I met that first day who went right under the couch and didn't come out for nearly five weeks.


  1. Oh she does look more sleek and more "polished". Hopefully there is someone out there who's waiting to be with her furever.

    Emma and Buster

  2. Oh, Artemis does look like she's doing very well. We have a kitty like that at our rescue, a former feral who freaks in certain situations and does not like to be picked up. Her foster actually described as "quirky", too. those kitties are very hard to adopt... purrs to Artemis and that her forever family doesn't keep her waiting too much longer.

  3. Anonymous12:46 AM

    What a beautiful girl she has become! I hope her forever home is just around the corner. Art3mis will make some one's family complete!

  4. That is pretty amazing how far she's come! I hope her home comes along soon!

  5. She's very beautiful. May her Forever Home be right around the corner.

  6. She's beautiful. We purr that someone sees how beautiful and special she is and takes her home.

  7. Oh no, I hoped she would have a home by now!

  8. YAY!! We love to see this kind of progress....we hope there is a quiet family or single person out there right now on their way to get her!

  9. Wow, she is looking great. I almost didn't recognize her.

  10. She looks great! I hope the next news will be about her adoption. I also hope the people at the shelter know her strengths and weaknesses. When people come to the cat room I feel like it's important to know which cats are willing to be held and which should not be picked up and handed over....

  11. I hope someone adopts her. She is gorgeous! Black cats rule!

  12. What a beautiful girl Art3mis is! We love her red dot and her sleekness. We're sending out adoption vibe purrs that her non-clingy forever family will soon be on her way!

    Thank you for letting us know about lily pollen grains on our blog Monday. Our Mom had heard conflicting info on that years ago but with further research, has decided to keep Quint's favorite summer flowers at a distance for good. Thank you!

  13. What a great update! I really hope she gets adopted soon.

  14. I hope Art3mis gets her forever home soon. She is a sweetie.

  15. Wow, she really does look great!


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