Thursday, October 13, 2016

Benji is spending a little time at the "spa"

Benji's diarrhea became too much of an issue.  I had originally contacted the shelter about it and they sent some meds to me to give, and I did. The next morning there had only been one incident of diarrhea, so I was encouraged. That evening when I got home there was between eight and ten! On the encouraging side a few of his 'deposits' were actually pudding / toothpaste consistency so despite the frustrating feeling that I was fostering a monkey who was flinging his poop, I had hope.  The above photo happened because he needed a bath because he had gotten it all over him.

He wasn't going anywhere that night so we just cleaned the room again and hoped for the best. I didn't know when the thicker stool was produced, so I was so hoping that in the morning things would be different, but things were pure liquid again.  I contacted the shelter and I was told they wanted to see the vet and keep him for a few days to watch him, so we brought him in and left him there.

I was offered three little black kittens, but it didn't work out for a couple of reasons. I'm hoping to get Benji back tomorrow, but we'll see how it goes.  If not, at least I will have time to give the room a full cleaning and disinfection so it can be ready for someone new.


  1. Benji reminds me of Ben... his coloring, his name... his issues.

  2. Paws crossed that Benji's diarrhea clears up fast!

  3. Now, be very careful with the dhiareea. My previous cat started in the same way, after eating some fish from a can. It proved to be infected with a very dangerous pathogen agent, actually a letal one, named Clostridium, with no cure. Just let the vet know for making Benji some tests, in case you can suggest anything to the vet.

    1. We take diarrhea in kittens very seriously because it can drain them very quickly. Homeless kittens are often infected with one or more pretty common bugs so they are generally treated for that first and if that doesn't clear it up they go in for more testing - which is why Benji is at the shelter being cared for by the vet.

      I'm sorry to hear your kitty was infected with clostridium. I hope you were able to clear it up quickly.

    2. No, we couldn't clear it, she died after one year of treatment with everything the vets could possibly think at. You can't cure clostridium, that is what i know.

  4. Poor guy. I hope he feels better soon. He's such a sweetheart.

  5. poor baby....hopefully they can get him all fixed up

  6. Oh, no, poor little guy. We hope he's back with you very soon.

  7. Oh Benji, you poor thing. :-(

  8. Keep us informed on Benji's progress; he's such a doll, and we all wish him good health quickly! By the way, do you have one of those high-pressure steam things, to hose out the foster room!?! Bet sometime you wish you could...

  9. Poor Benji. We hope the diarrhea clears up for him.

  10. Oh the poor dumpling! I hope he comes back to you soon...

  11. Poor little guy. I hope they can help him!

  12. Poor Benji! I hope that they are able to find a treatment helps him feel better. That would be such a frustrating issue to deal with. I hope that you get him back (healthy) soon.

  13. Poor baby! I hope he feels better soon and you can spend time snuggling him.

  14. I hope Benji gets better soon.

  15. Ack, poor Benji. I hope they're able to figure out what's causing it and that he feels better.


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