Thursday, October 20, 2016

Kit and Jack and the bunk beds

The Crew were timesharing the bunk beds before and I would not see more than one cat on them at a one time. Recently, Kit and Jack seem to have laid claim to it and have begun sharing it.

Although I'm not sure Jack appreciates how Kit keeps her half of the bed.


  1. Yep, messy roommates! The worst, totally.

  2. Kit! You need to work on your bed making skills.

  3. double decker cuteness - though it is unfortunate when your upstairs neighbors are messy MOL

  4. Never met a cat that kept their napping spot neat! Kit and Jack are adorable in those bunk beds!

  5. I'm not so sure any of us here would like bunk beds - we tend to want a lot of personal space! My human thinks it is cute, though.

  6. I have a serious WANT for that bunk bed, but I know none of the permanent residents would want anything to do with that! Poor Jack - it's rough life, sweet boy. :)

    1. the reason they want something to do with it is because I swore they wouldn't want anything to do with it and it would be for the kittens.

  7. Allie: She keeps it PINK. That is all.

  8. How fun that Jack and Kit use them and at the same time! Jack, I guess Kit is Oscar to your Felix. I think Pierrot would like this (for a short time), but not Annie, at least not while Pierrot was using it.

  9. Divan beds are another popular variety of beds that are available in the market today. A divan bed has two separate parts, namely the base and the mattress. castle bunk bed


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