Friday, June 16, 2017

Meet the SuperHero Kitties

Aaron and Aloe's adoption went well. While I was there I was offered new kitties so I am going to put off their adoption story so I can tell you about the new kittens.

I mentioned I would like wee ones and more than two.. well I got one of those things.

Let's see. We have Spiderman (classic orange tabby), Robin (orange tiger with white), Superman (black with white), The Hulk (black with white with extra toes) and Batman (medium to long hair black with extra toes)

Yup, we have polys.. How exciting! I can tell the techs that helped with their neuter are either not cat people or not used to polys because they forgot to trim the claw between the toe.  Spiderman might have extra toes, I didn't get a really good look at him. Both he and Batman are quite nervous. As you can see in the photos they prefer to hide than explore. I was easily able to pick them both up (I designed my kitten room to make that easy) and neither one freaked out. They just really wanted to get away. I gave them both a dose of Rescue Remedy and hope they calm down and get used to the room and relax a little.

Robin is a little flirt and was happy for the attention. The Hulk and Superman were okay with me but wasn't all that interested in my attentions for now. The basket has already been sat in. The crinkle ball has already been played with. The scratching post has already been scratched on... and I imagine at this point Happy Bear has already been slept on.


  1. OMB they are so freaking have the best job :) xx Rachel

  2. OMC, they are adorable, plus polydactyl Batman!

  3. Mega awww ! Welcome to your temporary Fantasy Island, wee ones.

  4. Oh, more fun! What a group! Looking forward to watching them. Love your pictures!

  5. Those little feets! This was an awesome way to start my Friday. :)

  6. Five kittens--this is going to be fun!

  7. Awww, they are all just adorable and what a great place to be. Hugs and nose kisses for all.

  8. POLYS! ...thud... (That's the sound of me fainting and hitting the floor). I am gonna start working on The Hubby...I want POLYS!

  9. Let the fun begin...again!!

  10. How adorable! We know you'll have them comfortable in no time!

  11. Such cuties and fun names.

  12. I've been watching them on Facebook - they are simply adorable! Batman is just a ball of fluff. Is he actually bigger than the others or is it simply his floof?


  13. I bet they all think they've found heaven. Yay for extra toes!

  14. Such cutie pies! And those extra toes...I'm in love! Purrs from Deb and the Zee/Zoey gang

  15. There's nothing quite like tiny extra toes! They're adorable, from toes to tail.

  16. Oh,how adorable!
    Have a super Sunday...

    Noodle and crew

  17. Welcome to the new cuties!


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