Wednesday, September 13, 2017

What is a foster kitten blog without foster kittens??

Seriously woman! And you call yourself my mother!!

Poor Skippy, he has been party to my shenanigans due to my not having kittens. While I have been packing, I found his sparkly bow tie, which he's never worn, so I put it on him to see how it looked. It is okay, but it isn't my favorite.  Then I found (rediscovered? uncovered? no, not really, I knew where it was all along, but I was totally looking for a break from shoveling through the clutter in my office) the fez and knew that Skippy was just going to have to put up with me and my love of a mad man in a blue box.

And Skippy was all like "Don't you have something to take care of" to which I shook my head and repositioned the fez. and Skippy retorted "what about those things out in your thingy" (he has no concept of outside) which reminded me that I had decided to let the milkweed, that was popping up in my flower bed, grow to see what would happen. It only started appearing last year after 12 years at this house and last year I pulled it all up. I've always loved milkweed and their pods and have been fascinated with monarch caterpillars. I loved watching them hatch when I was a kid, so I wondered if I let the milkweed grow if they would come.

Every time I checked them, I saw nothing. some nibbles but no visitors. One day I saw a monarch floating away from the house and I was hopeful, but alas, nothing for weeks. Then this weekend... 

How exciting!! I looked around for more and found one on my peony plant and told it that it was being very silly and it should get back to the milkweed right away. It didn't listen to me, so I "helped" it.

In all, I counted five, but I saw one in the pictures below that I didn't see when I was taking the photos, so we have at least six. I'm trying not to make a nuisance of myself, but it is hard when I don't have kittens to be all not 'grabby hands' (as evidenced by my 'helping' that one on my peony plant) (okay, fine, it is hard in general for me to not be all grabby hands.. I admit it, you are right on that one Dee)

I don't know why the milkweed suddenly started growing in my garden, but I'm glad it did. I hope they have a lovely journey down to Mexico - that is if they pupate and emerge on time to get there.


  1. How cool that you got the caterpillars! They are very cool.

  2. Anonymous2:58 AM

    That's Ms. Grabby Hands!

    Thanks for making me ROFLMFBO!!

  3. Yep, you need kittens. But the caterpillars are cool.

  4. I hope you're not going to change the name of your blog. Tails from the Milkweed Caterpillars just doesn't sound as appealing. ;)

  5. The milkweed we have in our yard has not attracted any Monarchs, so I'm not sure it's really milkweed! Not flowers and no pods...very strange. I therefore am envious of your Monarch caterpillars!

  6. those caterpillars need to get a move on if they are going to get out before it gets cold :)

  7. Congrats on the caterpillars! And oh, Skippy! You poor thing..... Yes, Ms. Grabby Hands needs kittens.

    Connie - every time you post about one of your crew I think - oh, he/she is my favorite. Jack! Fleurp! Skippy! Muffin! I love them all!!!

  8. Poor Skippy is right! You look like a character in an old old movie.

  9. Oh, Skippy. You are so patient *kisses*

    Thanks for sharing your milkweed photos. Our Mom is considering getting one but is still on the fence. Don't really want caterpillars eating up everything else but she wants to help the Monarchs. Decisions, decisions.

  10. My naturalist knitting buddy would approve of you letting the milkweed grow in your garden! Congrats on having some caterpillars! Love the pic of Skippy with the fez; fezzes are cool! :)

  11. We hope you get to see some butterflies!

    Poor won't last forever.

  12. What great photos of caterpillars

  13. Those caterpillars are so awesome. The colors! And then they turn into butterflies. SO COOL!

  14. Those are very pretty caterpillars ! Claire enjoys seeing them far away from our garden because of their endless appetite ! Purrs

  15. Anonymous12:57 PM

    I like that it was cute and sad but i still like it because i love cats.


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