Monday, July 30, 2018

Just how far the kittens have come in ten weeks

Before I show you their photos for this week, let's see how they started.  Can you recognize anyone other than Brutus? (and maybe Zelda)

Aww.. how far they have come in ten weeks, I mean I see it all the time but it still amazes me those jelly beans turn into cats..

I iz stealth kitty - bein a ninja!

If you want to know who is who, highlight over the following lines of text:
(collage top row: Brutus, Zoey bottom row: Zena, Zelda)
(photo top to bottom: Brutus, Zoey, Zelda, and Zena)

Were you right?
Can't highlight the text, come back tomorrow to see progression photos


  1. My human's tortie IDing is expert level - she got them all!

  2. We is pretty kitties.

  3. 10 weeks is a long time in kitten time!

  4. it is kind of amazing to see the differences

  5. Such sweet kittens; I hadn't a clue but I liked trying to match their newborn faces with the 'grown-up' images! How is Micheala doing?

  6. What beauties and cuties!

  7. Squeeeeeeeeeeeee! Mom says thanks for making her Monday!

    Emma and Buster

  8. Ten weeks sure did move by so fast. All four of these little fur babies have grown so much. Can't wait until we get to see them as full adults. They all have such adorable little faces. Thanks for the share. Have a great day.
    World of Animals

  9. They have grown up so fast! And still as cute as ever.

  10. They are still little balls of cuteness

  11. Hamsters turned into kittens! And such wide-eyed, funny, beautiful kittens!


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