Monday, July 16, 2018

The kittens are seven weeks old now

Goodness time flies when you have kittens.. they are such amazing diversions.

They are now at the stage where they do not want to sit still so photos are getting harder and harder.

They are a little ahead developmentally - being almost two pounds at seven weeks as that usually takes until week eight. They should hit the two-pound mark in the next day or so. They are eating very well - but not really liking the dry food. I tried hand feeding it to them and that went well enough but they don't seem to be eating it out of the bowl. This probably also contributes to their being a nice healthy weight. 


  1. They look great! Who wants to sit still for pics when there's so much to explore and do? :-)

  2. Their dad must have been a ginger!

  3. over achievers :) they are a seriously cute bunch

  4. Cuties. I will be getting two 7 week old kittens today. Havent had babies in 20 yrs. Just lost my 16 yr old panther. The 2 i am geeting are mini panthers. Cant wait. Let the antics begin.

  5. OMC, how much baby tortitude do you have going on at your house right now?

  6. OMC. Those precious faces!


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